This is clearly slavery though. If you don’t get that you might want to learn more about what slavery is.
Yes he did write bad code. I don’t believe the degree was even offered at that time as economics and physics are different departments
CFC’s are great at coolimg things as long as you do not care about having an ozone layer.
You think intentionally offending others out of a sense of entitlement is being an adult? Most adults understand basic manners which you are objecting to so you can hopefully understand why others aren’t receptive to your view here.
Islamic theocracy is fundamentally incompatible with fascism as the ideal state posed by Islam is a caliphate aka a theocratic monarchal state.
That has nothing to do with my claim which is specific to Islam. As Islam posits a caliphate as the ideal state it is incompatible with fascism which requires faith to be subservient to the state. Iran cannot be as Muslim fascist theocracy
Yeah everything mentioned makes me think this is serious like cancer level serious.
I don't think ypu using offensive language casually is a sign of progress.
Sometimes adults censor themselves out if consideration for others. Perhaps ypu should consider acting like a mature adult.
As a side note Islamic theocracy is immune to fascism given the fact that the ideal state in Islam is a theocracy. Theocracies and fascism are incompatible due to the supremacy of the faith in one vs the other.
Iran is just another theocratic totalitarian state. They are not fascists.
I would be happy if they never touched wayer again. Swimming and boating were awful in The Witcher series.
It's in their constitution to do this. They have to do it this way.
I studied the downfall of the USSR closely in college. In 1996 the communists should have won a d I recall a professor who was ex-KGB saying he believes that the West's meddling in the elections will hirt us in the future.
I dont get how tankies can support a "communist" nation like China that has an investor class and whose system requires the mistreatment of the proletariat.
That's why the plural is in parenthesis.
He bought Twitter because he had to. He made a legally binding offer to purchase it at a soecific price per share as a joke and then was forced to follow through because Jack Dorsey et al did not take it as a joke.
Elon's forced purchase of Twitter is proof how dumb he can be.
Musk has no teal programming credentials to speak of I thought. His degree(s) are physics and economics.
I’d add both Winston and Schmidt from New Girl.
Obviously Ned Flanders has to be on the list too.
We do not consider “stupid” to be an inherent trait. Stupidity is the result of a lot of poor choices. Mental retardation is something you are born with.
*stupid, please avoid ableism when you can.
This is why in thehistory of the Dune universe the revolt to destroy AI and thinking machines was “The Butlerian Jihad”
Exactly, with Ch5 Fortnite vastly increased bots. Until that was confirmed I was confused as to how I got so much better within a week of the chapter starting. I averaged 2-4 kills in ch4 and in ch5s01 I averaged 10+. I stopped playing BR because of this. Bot heavy lobbies aren’t fun.