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  • It's not healthy for me. We can keep England.

  • Domino's or Pizza Hut?
  • Ooofff brutal. Hey you could start one.

  • Domino's or Pizza Hut?
  • They're both terrible, support your local pizzeria.

  • Hey Lemmy, what's on your mind?
  • Today is mahtlactli-omeme tecpatl (12 knife) in the Tonalpohualli. There's a good chance my day is going to be hassling and/or stupid.

  • Rule
  • Sorry, I like Warhammer more than soda. So the island stays.

  • Satisfactory's developers had no idea how popular its 1.0 launch was going to be: 'We try not to focus too much on that stuff and just make it as big as we possibly can'
  • That game has done physical harm to me from the amount of time I've played it in the last few weeks.

  • If you were to reproduce the art style of a video game, what video game would you choose?
  • In that case I'd be pretty stoked if I could magically create images in the Wakfu style, but in my own tastes.

  • Just tri to watch this....
  • Shinji get into the rhombus.

  • If you were to reproduce the art style of a video game, what video game would you choose?
  • Reproduce how? Like I can program a knockoff game or if I paint a mural it looks like Jet Grind Radio?

  • Trump Media plummets 10% as post-lockup selloff picks up steam
  • I didn't realize there was a correct response to my statement, but you just made it.

  • [Playstation Lifestyle] God of War Ragnarok Isn’t Doing Well on PC
  • If it wasn't for Helldivers then Sony would be dead to me. I don't care about Spiderman or Horizon.

  • What is your favorite movie of all time?
  • Blues Brothers. It's damn near perfect.

    And I still hate Illinois Nazis.

  • Ohio residents flock to Springfield’s Haitian restaurants: ‘They are family’
  • The bedrock of cultural acceptance "cuisine". There is nothing more powerful for me to get out of my comfort zone than hearing, "...the food is badass over there". I got mugged 40 minutes after arriving in Mexico City; I can safely say the comida was worth it.

  • The Masterpiece
  • Neat!

  • Path to Glory
  • Until all your bases belong to us I will not be stopped.

  • Path to Glory
  • Step 5 for me was learning to code for the internet. I regret being born.

  • What kind of jelly do you use for your peanut butter and jelly sandwiches?

    I'm going to make the acceptable answers broad so jam, preserves, etc are all acceptable. I'm a fig jam or apple butter man myself.

    MisterNeon Mister Neon

    A broken man, obsessed with 500 year old Mexican culture.

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    Comments 557