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When Autocorrect Sucks
  • Truly the person of all time

  • What's a trait you look for in potential partners that seems uniquely in your trait wishlist?
  • A strong desire to always learn and improve. I respect that there are people that know how to be and are totally content with just knowing what they know; but I personally have a hard time in intimate relationships with people that don't take interest in learning.

  • If simulation is possible, we could upgrade reality to 4D
  • *A fourth dimension can be time.

    Time is a very convenient choice for a fourth dimension, but "fourth" is purely namesake. There's no reason we couldn't describe our world in our three familiar spatial coordinates with an additional coordinate for temperature, for example. We just don't easily conceptualize it that way because it feels less contiguous according to how we currently frame our model of reality.

    Disclaimer: my sources include internet research and far too much time to think. I'm absolutely open to discussion and new ideas in whatever form.

    Edit: Temperature is kind of a bad example at face value, but good conceptually. Hopefully I'm communicating my point at least we'll enough to be comprehended.

  • Thoughts on parental controls?
  • There it is.

  • Thoughts on parental controls?
  • Or you can be like those people on TikTok that pull their kids out of school and let them "guide their own learning."

    I don't remember what they called this cutting edge method.

  • Julia Evans' Git cheat sheet
  • I recently got on git add -p, which comes in clutch sometimes. But yeah, I'm definitely about to start doing the interactive add.

    Also, squints at your username

  • What are your favorite shows and why?
  • I loved Severance too. I don't usually go to film for my sci-fi cravings though.

    For shows, I really like that just casual kinda mundane tone that sort of parodies reality. Home Movies is great, Bob's Burgers (the earlier seasons were better for this, but I'm still watching through them). Family Guy has those moments every now and then, although I wouldn't call it one of my top shows by any means.

    My favorite show is probably Steven Universe. Everything about it was so artistically done; especially the soundtrack. Of the realm of kids/teens shows that were designed for the whole family, Steven Universe is one of the few that I personally think had a great and satisfying ending.

  • What are your favorite shows and why?
  • This Schmitt sounds like a great guy!

  • linux or windows?
  • Windows, but I'm looking to get a laptop I can dual boot into Linux. The pipeline strikes again.

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    Boost for Lemmy 1.0.14 BETA 🛠️ - Hide posts, view uploaded pictures, custom thumbnails and more Lemmy features!
  • I choked on my spit scrolling through this thread because of you

  • How about we play, "Never have I ever"?
  • Nice try, feds!


    Pun not intended, but welcome.

  • How about we play, "Never have I ever"?
  • Have some dignity and go watch The Incredibles right now.

  • What business plan seemed so dumb to you but actually worked out?
  • Sounds like you've got a case. Better dial all 9s.

  • What are your fears
  • I have a pretty bad fear of spiders. If one is in my immediate vicinity, I generally get pretty spooked. Images of them freak me out too.

    There's this huge one that spun a web right outside my window. I'm leaving it alone, but I can see it every day as I'm working. It's one of those with the big orbs for an abdomen.

  • C++ should be called ++C
  • I personally do YYYY.MM.DD for all of my personal filing. Sue me.

    Edit: personally, of course.

  • What is a video that you did not expect to take such a s udden and very dark turn?
  • Insane coincidence for me. I just watched Finding Yeezus (unrelated to question) about a week ago, click this link and lo and behold I see a familiar face.

    Great video, too.

  • Because mosts music tastes stagnate after your teens, you are actually admitting your parents music is better - because they are the ones making it.
  • People that say shit like this don't listen to enough music to make such sweeping claims. Your parents may have had music tastes that you align with closer than that of your teenage years.

    Not to mention that the "old music" is fairly selectively the ones that stood the test of time, while the younger generation is still experimenting and figuring things out. Expand your horizons; don't fall victim to the bias.

  • What are some words you swear people use to try and sound smart?
  • Yep. Words are meant to be used. There's usually a pretty clear difference between clear and concise communication and being a thesaurus superstar.

    Also, words are fun. There are people that just genuinely like learning about words and their origins.

  • To those with 2+ monitors on your machine: What's your use case, and how much does it actually boost your productivity?

    I'm mainly curious about software developers here, or anyone else whose computer is somewhat central to their life, be it professional or hobbyist.

    I only have two monitors—one directly in front of me, and another to the right of it, angled toward me. For web development, I keep my editor on the main screen, and anything auxiliary (be that a dev build, a video, StackOverflow, etc.) on the side screen.

    I wouldn't mind a third monitor, and if I had one, I'd definitely use it for log/output, since currently it's a floating window that I shuffle around however necessary. It could be smaller than the other two, and I might even turn it vertical so I could split the screen between output and a terminal, configuring a AutoHotKey script to focus the terminal.

    What about y'all?

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    Mesa Mesa
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