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What can you get to within a 15-minute walk of your house?
  • @Brendanjones @otfrom @ajsadauskas @urlyman @fuck_cars

    I think, although the amount paid for parking is an issue, the hassle of paying twice while rushing to work is also a factor.

    Of course, in the US any charges imposed on the free use of cars is anathema, despite the wisdom of making pushing the cost/benefit balance toward public transit.

  • What can you get to within a 15-minute walk of your house?
  • @Brendanjones @otfrom @ajsadauskas @urlyman @fuck_cars

    People I know that have used Park&Rides, often tell me, after abandoning them, "It's just easier to drive in once I'm in the car. And I hate paying to park and then the light rail fare."

  • What can you get to within a 15-minute walk of your house?
  • @Brendanjones @otfrom @ajsadauskas @urlyman @fuck_cars

    I'd also mention that, at least in Denver, the Park&Rides actually interfere with walking to our stations. The large garages and/or surface lots are often situated smack in the middle of pedestrian and bike routes. And, they use land that could be used for transit-accessible housing.

  • MarvinFreeman MarvinFreeman

    Father. Friend. Enthusiast. Reader. Cyclist. Coder. Skier. Mets fan. Retired public interest lawyer, baseball scorer, cycle racer, and law professor.

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