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  • My insurance is so shitty right now I'm not paying for a sleep study. I know why I sleep shitty. It's cause I have a big old herina that fucking hurts and kinks my body up due to compensation. Wish I could take Aleve, but it gives me heartburn for days.

    Also, can't take most long acting meds since I don't have a colon.

  • Preference
  • Yup, but the alternative is drinking myself to death or getting hooked on fentanyl/heroin.

    I try to work hard enough every day that 2-4 ibuprofen put me to sleep for 6 hours.

  • Preference
  • It is a balancing act. Uclers vs acceptable level of sleep deprivation.

  • This image.
  • I worked at the old wiffle horse at Jordan and University. There was a skid row motel behind it. Might have been the Scottish Inn. When they tore down the motel all the roaches moved into the restaurant. They tore it down and built the new one that's there now.

    La Alameda used to be right there as well on University. They had coin op black and white TVs in the booths. Watched the Columbia disaster on one.

  • This image.
  • Your analysis is spot on.

    I worked as a cook at Wiffle Horse when I was a kid and had just left home. They put us up in a hotel once in preparation for an ice storm. I fucked a waitress that was much older than me, crazy party.

    We recently moved out of the south. During the moving process I made sure the kid and I ate there enough to get tired of it.

  • Help me ID a book from a hazy 1980s childhood memory
  • Damn. It had the drowned prison ghost and the casket bobbing up while the two guys were fishing. I need to get a copy of this. Forgot all about it until just now. It was genuinely frightening in an eerie way.

  • Preference
  • I like mine jello shot style. (2-4 every night, chronic pain management and healthcare sucks in America.)

  • Large ceramic or stoneware piece.
  • I'm starting to think it is part of an insulator. It's just so big to be one. It's almost double the size of the the vintage 1950s one above. Maybe one section of a huge high voltage assembly?

  • Large ceramic or stoneware piece.
  • The surface is too rough for use with food. It's like small gravel or big sand at the surface.

  • Large ceramic or stoneware piece.
  • It's absolutely huge if it's an insulator.

  • Large ceramic or stoneware piece.

    Found this broken piece in the creek bank. Southwest Pennsylvania. Farmhouse was built in 1922. Coalmining country.

    Would have been about 18" in diameter. There is a rough coating in the glaze on the inside and outside of the bowl section. Abrasive enough that I figure it served a mechanical purpose. There are three grooves on the rim that aren't symmetrical to each other.

    There might be a makers mark in the center of the glaze inside but I can't make it out. There is also a light blue/green stain on the bottom that might be a mark.

    Any ideas?




    celeb_pics spam
  • Obviously I can block them. I wouldn't call bot spam a community, however.

  • celeb_pics spam

    Celeb_pics appears to be some bot posting from Cluttters up /all.

    Rewinding an electromagnetic clutch.
  • Coil was originally aluminum, so it had a higher resistance. Even with a 'perfect' wind, the resistance might still be low.

    Scramble should be fine, it's a DC application. So long as i get close enough: it should work.

  • Rewinding an electromagnetic clutch.

    The electric PTO clutch on my 1969 mini tractor is dead and discontinued.


    Original winding is aluminum 18 gauge. Manufacturer specs were 2.88ohms, 237 turns. The manufacturer specs didn't quite physically match what I found when I took apart the old clutch. If I understand this correctly, the 2.88ohms is the most important part and will pull 4.17 amps.

    I just attempted a coil with 18 gauge copper magnet wire. I made it to the max dimensions I can get in the housing with a scramble wind. I'm getting 1.2 ohms, which would pull 10 amps or so. Not good.

    Was able to get 187 feet given the resistance.

    If I go with 20 gauge copper, assuming I can get 235 feet (1.26 * 187) and I should get 2.319 ohms. Probably get a little more than 235 feet and get the resistance up a little more.

    What does this do to the strength of the magnetic field?

    Would I be better off putting a power resistor in series with my 18 gauge coil?

    Any advice greatly appreciated!

  • Yup. She wants to help her people and the most effective way of doing it is by educating the kids.

    Giving books to children is a super effective way to spend the money. They can educate themselves out of the hole.

    It's actually really subversive. Smart lady. She plays the game quite well. She can't take an open liberal stance as she would be marginalized, but educating children is difficult to attack.

    I have no doubt that she's a closeted liberal in the south. It's often how you have to be to survive.

  • It's because they read it.
  • I was a fundamentalist. (Raised in it.)

    I actually read the bible and studied it. No longer a Christian.

    Funny how that works.

    Thompson Chain Reference KJV represent.

  • Trump says he'll use federal forces to invade U.S. cities over immigration policy
  • The tamale lady is like the perfect example of what we were taught about the idealized USA and immigration as kids.

    They fuck with the tamale lady and they have no idea the hell they'll unleash.

  • I don't know the difference between hay and straw
  • Hay is generally cut from fallow fields in late summer/early fall. It contains sugars in the stalks as well as the seeds/grain of whatever grasses it is cut from. It is used to feed livestock year round and is the primary feed in winter. It is often supplemented by grain or feed.

    Straw is basically an industrial byproduct and is the leftover stalk from grain harvesting. Usually produced from wheat after harvest. Used as bedding.

  • 20 years later, real-time Linux makes it to the kernel - really
  • Real time operating systems are important for CNC machines and other industrial controls. Been a while since I kept up with Linux CNC and the open source control world, but I think this may have big implications for motion controls including printers.

    This is why the big name CNC controls are mostly proprietary OS like FANUC, HAAS, Siemens, Mazak. Lot of them have Mitsubishi down in the guts. Heidenhain has Linux, at least in the top layer, iirc. Citizen had windows in the top layer.

  • EU recommends outdoor ban on cigarettes, e-cigarettes and heated tobacco.
  • So you are or were a smoker? How many years?

  • EU recommends outdoor ban on cigarettes, e-cigarettes and heated tobacco.
  • Says someone that doesn't understand the first thing about smoking or nicotine addiction.

  • What movies can you rewatch often and not get tired of?
  • Die Hard is the best Christmas movie. My son demands we watch it every year.

  • Home Improvement Machinist
    Found the original fireplace mantel half buried behind the garage.

    Another before:


    It's green Vermont slate, figured out that it was originally painted black and marbled. Victorian thing, faux marble mantels. Fireplace is also Victorian faux, red brick, would have had logs and a red light. I'll be putting in a gas insert at some point.

    Started at 220grit, and worked up to 1000. Finished with a 50/50 mix of boiled linseed oil and mineral spirits:

    Didn't realize slate could be this pretty and figured:



    What kind of stone is this mantle? [SOLVED]

    So, I found this stone mantel behind the garage of the 100 year old house we just bought. It was mostly buried in the dirt. Fits our mantel perfect. Some sort of green stone. Was painted black at some point. I'm trying to strip the paint and want to refinish the stone. Area is southeast of Pittsburgh. Father of the man who built the house was an Italian stonemason that immigrated.

    Don't think it's slate, has a tight grain and rings when you knock on it.

    What kind of stone is this?



    Neurotypical here, had a realization about my 'type' of romantic interest.

    Cishet male. In no way do I mean offense or have I tried to take advantage of lower functioning individuals, that's just sick. Best I can figure, I'm a typical. Maybe I'm a little crazy; but who isn't.

    During a discussion about my son's neurodivergency, I realized I have a 'type' of woman. (Son is technically stepson, but he's my boy.) I tend to be attracted to high functioning women that are on the spectrum.

    I've been in four relationships with divergent women, three serious and two extended friends with benefits. I've been in two serious relationships with typical women. Many flings with typical women. Figure that's pretty statistically unlikely.

    In my experience, divergent women tend to have a refreshing openness in communication. Painfully honest. Direct. They have some weird stuff that can be alternately cute and irritating. When sleeping they either don't like to snuggle or like being an octopus. (My preference is octopus but my wife only tolerates some side contact.) They like to discuss instead of argue. Sexually adventurous and willing to work for satisfaction. They prefer precision in statements. I find myself writing in an extended way that I don't engage in with other people and try and pay attention to grammar and punctuation. Pretty sure this doesn't apply to all women on the spectrum, just my 'type'.

    I dunno, just a strange realization, especially at this stage of life. It's not a fetish, just something that has occurred.

    jeebus. reading Vampirre$ for the first time.

    Like this is hitting me real hard. I can feel the sadness and the fight. They're good boys and and don't deserve what's coming down. They have some good religion. I'd like to be like these men. We fight for the ones we love.

    Saying goodbye tomorrow to a couple of guys I knew.

    Xpost from casual conversations. Delete if it doesn't fit.

    In the final stages of moving from the deep south to a northern state.

    I used to run a shop under a corporation. Long story, but I integrated the shop, and built something beautiful. I had to use a temp service to do a lot of my hiring, I hired lots of black folks because they were undervalued and I could give them a good environment and pay. Was just starting to hire women. COVID and Qanon blew it the fuck up.

    Tomorrow I'll be having lunch with two of my former crew. One of them is the only man I've ever called brother. He was my neighbor and best friend for years. I would have trusted him to help me hide a body. The other feller was a kind and gentle guy, had a bad divorce but was a teddy bear, was on the road back up.

    They both went down the rabbit hole real bad.

    I miss who they were and the shop we had. It was fucking jazz. I protected all of them from corporate. We made shit happen. I fought to get them more money and got fucked over myself.

    I've lost my parents, my grandfather, my aunts and uncles and cousins to the insanity. Thank jeebus my grandmothers and one grandfather are dead.

    Tomorrow I'm going to hug my brother and tell him goodbye. He isn't really my brother anymore. I don't trust him. I love him. He's not the man I knew.

    It hurts a lot. It broke my heart.

    Saying goodbye tomorrow to a couple of guys I was close to.

    In the final stages of moving from the deep south to a northern state.

    I used to run a shop under a corporation. Long story, but I integrated the shop, and built something beautiful. I had to use a temp service to do a lot of my hiring, I hired lots of black folks because they were undervalued and I could give them a good environment and pay. Was just starting to hire women. COVID and Qanon blew it the fuck up.

    Tomorrow I'll be having lunch with two of my former crew. One of them is the only man I've ever called brother. He was my neighbor and best friend for years. I would have trusted him to help me hide a body. The other feller was a kind and gentle guy, had a bad divorce but was a teddy bear, was on the road back up.

    They both went down the rabbit hole real bad.

    I miss who they were and the shop we had. It was fucking jazz. I protected all of them from corporate. We made shit happen. I fought to get them more money and got fucked over myself.

    I've lost my parents, my grandfather, my aunts and uncles and cousins to the insanity. Thank jeebus my grandmothers and one grandfather are dead.

    Tomorrow I'm going to hug my brother and tell him goodbye. He isn't really my brother anymore. I don't trust him. I love him. He's not the man I knew.

    It hurts a lot. It broke my heart.


    Lunch was good but rough. My son got to see me cry for the first time, afterwards, so I guess that was good.

    Then my closest former friend came over this evening. Texted my girl:

    "Holy fuck. Joe has some sort of grandpa weed that he he'd be saving. I hit once and I'm all fucked up. They smoked a whole blunt. Then I learned about how taking ivermectin was a good preventative and that Susan is actually a Mayan priestess discovered through astral projection."

    We're finally moving! Been planning this since 2020.

    Have lived in the deep south my entire life. Things went really badly during 2020 and we realized we needed to get out. Started saving and preparing, our plan was to move before the next election.

    We have bought a 1920's farmhouse that still has 9 acres. 100 year old apple trees, blueberries, vineyard. It's amazing. Part of the land is industrial zoned with power and I'm going to build my machine shop there. We got a steal of a deal, it would be a $500k house and land here.

    I bought a '98 Chevy box truck. The boy and I will be making our second trip tomorrow.

    OPENSCAD tool for custom printed strap clamps. OpenSCAD Cranks Out Parametric CNC Clamps

    If you’ve ever used a CNC router or mill, you’ll know how many little things need to go right before you get anything resembling acceptable results. We could (and probably should?) run …

    OpenSCAD Cranks Out Parametric CNC Clamps

    Pretty nifty. Using several clamps, I could see this working just fine for short run aluminum jobs.

    Trailer brake circuit breaker advice.

    We're preparing to move about 1000mi.

    I'm getting my truck ready to tow a trailer for our three potbelly pigs, two cats and a dog.

    '98 Ranger XLT with 4.0L V6, auto trans. Rated for 5900lbs tow, 9500 gross. Even has the overdrive disable and good rear end ratio.

    I'm adding a Redarc Liberty brake control. The 7-way plug kit I got includes 30 and 40 amp auto reset breakers for the control and trailer power.

    Here's the thing. I don't like the idea of an automatically resetting breaker at 30 amps or more due to the risk of fire or frying the electronics in my truck. I would prefer to install manual reset breakers. I understand that an auto reset might allow some brake capability in the event of a short and that is why they are used. I just don't feel like the auto breaker justification is that likely vs the other risks of auto breakers.

    How long does it take the auto breakers to reset?

    What are the real world risks using manual reset breakers?

    Opinions/thoughts greatly appreciated!

    Trailer brake circuit breaker advice.

    We're preparing to move about 1000mi.

    I'm getting my truck ready to tow a trailer for our three potbelly pigs, two cats and a dog.

    '98 Ranger XLT with 4.0L V6, auto trans. Rated for 5900lbs tow, 9500 gross. Even has the overdrive disable and good rear end ratio.

    I'm adding a Redarc Liberty brake control. The 7-way plug kit I got includes 30 and 40 amp auto reset breakers for the control and trailer power.

    Here's the thing. I don't like the idea of an automatically resetting breaker at 30 amps or more due to the risk of fire or frying the electronics in my truck. I would prefer to install manual reset breakers. I understand that an auto reset would might allow some brake capability in the event of a short and that is why they are used. I just don't feel like the auto breaker justification is that likely vs the other risks of auto breakers.

    How long does it take the auto breakers to reset?

    What are the real world risks using manual reset breakers?

    Opinions/thoughts greatly appreciated!

    Recommendations for cherry blue keyboards.

    I use a Das Keyboard 4 Ultimate with cherry blues and love it. Have a good friend who likes using her grandson's gaming keyboard that I think is a nice membrane keyboard. She was interested in my keyboard as it is mechanical like the old keyboards she used back in the day.

    We are both office users, not gamers.

    I don't want to spend the $179 for a keyboard that might not be what she wants and there are better options now, from what I understand.

    Can you please recommend a cherry blue mechanical with a number pad and a steel back plane?

    chronicpain Machinist
    I need to stiffen up and pull some more.

    I hurt. I hurt all the the fucking time. My belly hurts. I'm reducing my drinking but it really sucks. The withdrawals suck real bad.

    Lost my colon to U.C. Have a bag on my belly.

    I have to move my family out of the south. I have to be physically able to do it. We have to get out.

    If I get them out maybe I they'll be able to live happy.

    I just want to die. I want the pain to stop. I don't let my people know. They can't do it without me.

    I'm tired. I hurt all the time. I'm tired of hurting. I could turn it off, but I don't for now. I'm tired of the pain. I love them and they need me. I just want to make sure they're in a good place, away from here. Then I can finish it.

    klanned karenhood Madison Public Library cancels ‘Moms for Liberty’ event citing capacity issues, attorney threatens legal action

    After the anticipated attendance for an event at the Madison Public Library reportedly increased from 20 to 300, the library has canceled the event citing capacity concerns. Attorneys for event org…

    Rumor says the event is back on. Fire department and police overruled on capacity issues. One brave soul said he'd show up in bad drag suggestively eating bananas at attendees/bootlickers.

    UFW (Uncomplicated Firewall) with Wireguard connecting to Mullvad VPN sanity check on UFW setup.

    I would really appreciate it if someone would double check me. Sorry for the screenshot. Either the Lemmy code button isn't great or I'm just dum at formatting.

    This has local *arr servers available and traceroute shows me going through the VPN.

    The largest blue blotch is the ip address of a mullvad vpn server.

    Rpi4, Raspberry Pi OS lite.

    Mullvad VPN. IPv6 has been nuked. Using Wireguard through wg-quick.

    wg2 originates from a .conf file from Mullvad with IPv6 stripped.

    Do these UFW settings look right?

    Small fan switch sanity check.

    Circuit is for controlling the fan on a Raspberry Pi, just on/off according to temp, no PWM. Not sure about the diode as it has a .7V drop and it's a tiny brushless DC motor. No markings on the fan so I measured the current with a multimeter when hooking it up to a USB charger. Circuit was adapted from here using what I have on hand.

    Suggestions? Any advice is greatly appreciated!

    *EDIT: Confirmed, this circuit works on a Raspberry Pi 4. Base was wired to GPIO 17 and manually tested using commands:

    raspi-gpio set 17 op dh

    raspi-gpio set 17 op dl

    I didn't use a breadboard, just hack-n-slash with the wires coming out of the fan, the leads on the thru hole components, a jumper connected to gpio 17 as a socket for the base/resistor lead, and heat shrink tubing for insulation. Folded it up as I closed the housing. Case combo including heatsinks and fan here.

    Machinist Machinist
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