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He puts it on top of the lettuce to leak all over it.
    1. You have no idea if this was as a bigbox store or a local place

    2. Ordinary people are the ones who have to deal with that kind of stupid problem, not the suits in an office park somewhere.

    3. That's not how you fuck over corporations anyhow, you're just raising the cost of goods for everyone with no upside. You fuck over the corporations by breaking up monopolies, installing Medicare for All, changing way unions work to make them easier to form and run, make worker co-ops more legally exciting, and require all publicly owned companies to pay out at least 1% of their annual gross profit in dividends each year, among other things.

  • Home Depot
  • I really hope AI continues to have noticable failures. I have my doubts, but one can hope.

  • Poggers
  • It very strongly depends on how you're using the word cult.

  • U.S. state executes man despite conviction doubts
  • How about we just don't execute people, even if we know they did it. Life in prison sucks harder.

  • EVs are cleaner than gas cars, but a growing share of Americans don't believe it
  • Yeah, what is it, 70% energy lost to heat in an ICE?

  • Emotional Support Vehicles
  • Your usage rate is like literally a hundred times that of the stats listed (assuming they're true). The vast, vast majority of truck owners would be better off with a regular car and renting a truck from Home Depot, Uhaul, or whatever local business does that sort of thing.

  • EVs are cleaner than gas cars, but a growing share of Americans don't believe it
  • Even if we assume all the electricity is coming from carbon sources (there's no need for any of it to be carbon sources) it's still more efficient because power plants are way better at turning that chemical energy into electricity. Even with the losses in the lines, charging, and in your motors, electric cars are still significantly more efficient on a mile per kg CO2 basis than gas cars. Throw some solar panels on your roof and they become essentially carbonless.

  • EVs are cleaner than gas cars, but a growing share of Americans don't believe it
  • I'd happily hang out in a sealed room with a nuclear reactor.

  • What is a small gadget under $10-20 that you absolutely LOVE?
  • We got constitutional carry in Ohio. Just practice shooting the locks off.

  • Anon goes to dinner with coworkers
  • Who fucking reports comments made outside of work to HR? Learn how to handle uncomfortable social situations on your own you little tattler.

  • That explains it.
  • I think there's a difference between experiencing objectification and being objectified but not knowing.

  • efficient game design rule
  • Most people have zero understanding of how programs work. I have slightly more understanding than the average person and I didn't catch that a crash log would nearly always be a text file.

  • The Ohio Supreme Court Just Greenlit an Egregious “Fraud Upon the Voters”
  • Nope. I meant for running elections. You need multiple winners in the same election for SPAV to be different from just straight Approval (vote for one or more, most votes wins). With my suggestion of 5 members per district, the candidates all run for legislator of the district, and then 5 winners are chosen using SPAV. Any semi-proportional method will work, but SPAV is arguably the way to go for a whole pile of reasons.

    Anyway, so if you're a voter in that district, you will have 5 representatives you can go talk to. With a 2-party system, usually 2 or 3 of them will be from your party. The legislature as a whole would be made up of some number of these districts, each with 5 officials. They all participate in the legislature like normal, there's no difference between the 1st awarded seat or the last.

    The reason you do this is because the people in each district will be much much more likely to have at least 1 legislator that actually represents them and their district. The legislature as a whole will also approximate the voting population as a whole in terms of votes per party vs seats per party. It makes it functionally impossible to gerrymander because if you try cracking and packing you'll really just be moving around who wins the last couple seats in any given district, but you'll have a hard time actually changing the overall makeup of the legislature.

  • The Ohio Supreme Court Just Greenlit an Egregious “Fraud Upon the Voters”
  • Should have gone with multi-member proportional districts using something like Sequential Proportional Approval Voting so that gerrymandering would be near-impossible. Five members is generally considered the minimum needed to make gerrymandering pointless to even attempt.

  • The Ohio Supreme Court Just Greenlit an Egregious “Fraud Upon the Voters”
  • Should have gone with multi-member proportional districts using something like Sequential Proportional Approval Voting so that gerrymandering would be near-impossible. Five members is generally considered the minimum needed to make gerrymandering pointless to even attempt.

  • Mozilla is a sinking ship.
  • Not like anyone else is reading it as satire. If everyone misses the point, that's on the writer.

  • Mozilla is a sinking ship.
  • I'm gonna go with failed attempt at satire.

  • Big Car = Safe - YouTube

    Enjoy the videos and music you love, upload original content, and share it all with friends, family, and the world on YouTube.

    It's true.
  • Imaginary numbers: proof that mathematicians don't understand branding.

  • Density saves nature
  • Well, duh?

  • Density saves nature
  • It's slightly more expensive, and most developers are trying to build the cheapest thing they can sell. A good number of places have put in noise separation into their building code though, so depending on where you live any new place will be dead quiet.

    In a wood-frame building, for example, you increase the thickness of the unit-to-unit walls by a few inches and leave a small air-gap between two layers of insulation. The hard-soft-air-soft-hard boundary makes for a very difficult path for sound to travel through. You have to purpose-build the walls if you want maximum noise isolation, because the studs have to be staggered so they don't bridge the gap and transmit the sound through your defenses.

  • WIP Wednesday! For My First Patch, a No-Shoot Target

    My first ever patch is going to be a no-shoot target from competitive action shooting. I was going to do a shoot target but it turns out I don't have any tan thread in my random assortment of threads.

    I will be getting a proper color selection soon, and proper thread, but for now I'm getting started with what I have. I'm very excited to make my fist patch!!

    What are you working on?

    unusual circumstances recommendation on embroidery thread

    Hi hi

    I'm stuck in bed and starting to work on embroidery. All of my threads are wound on a spool. They seem to be general purpose threads as far as I can tell. Right now I'm folding them into four parallel threads and using that, doubled up. (Each stich is eight threads.) Some work better than others.

    I'm slowly running out and will need to replace them, but I don't know anything about thread. The normal embroidery-specific threads don't seem to come on spools, which I would greatly prefer. They also have different sizes and I have no idea what's that about.


    Help! What is a good general purpose brand that comes on a spool? It doesn't have to be embroidery specific, but should be adaptable to use in embroidery.


    How thinking in a foreign language improves decision-making How thinking in a foreign language improves decision-making

    Research shows people who speak another language are more utilitarian and flexible, less risk-averse and egotistical, and better able to cope with traumatic memories

    How thinking in a foreign language improves decision-making
    Ryan McBeth – How Russia Tricked Americans into Sending a Misinformation Tweet about Ukraine How #Russia Tricked Americans into Sending a #Misinformation Tweet about #ukraine

    The full story and references can be found on a nutshell, Russia invented the slogan "$10 Billion Dollars to Ukraine" while Hurric...

    How #Russia Tricked Americans into Sending a #Misinformation Tweet about #ukraine
    YSK: The Search Engine Ecosia Plants Trees With Your Searches

    Ecosia is a German search engine company which donates 80% of its revenue to planting trees. They take Bing, reskin it, and spend the profits from advertising on planting trees. They're up to about 175,000,000 trees so far.

    Edit: This is just a convenient way to turn something you do every day (use a search engine) into a force for good. It's a slow process, 1 tree ≈ 45 searches, but you were going to make those searches anyway, might as well plant trees! Think of it as the digital equivalent of buying local food.

    Technology Liz
    An Anti-Porn App Put Him in Jail and His Family Under Surveillance An Anti-Porn App Put Him in Jail and His Family Under Surveillance

    A court used an app called Covenant Eyes to surveil the family of a man released on bond. Now he’s back in jail, and tech misuse may be to blame.

    An Anti-Porn App Put Him in Jail and His Family Under Surveillance

    A court used an app called Covenant Eyes to surveil the family of an Indiana man released on bond. Now he’s back in jail, and tech misuse may be to blame. The app flagged one of the family's devices as having accessed Pornhub even though it didn't, and this was the only evidence used to throw the man back in jail. They didn't even try to prove he was the one who caused the app to flag Pornhub as visited, they just assumed it was him. The article contains multiple levels of "oh my god our system is messed up."

    Liz Liz
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