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After is a new dating app that tries to tackle ghosting
  • You don't have to tell the truth.

  • Is Google Maps getting worse?
  • In my experience, google maps is really bad at finding parking. OSM-data is just better in this regard

  • Hey Lemmy, what's on your mind?
  • Slept at a sweet girl's place yesterday. I think I want to take it further, but I don't know what she wants.

  • YouTube Premium is getting a big price hike internationally
  • I'd pay for youtube if I wouldn't also be exposed to tracking, however I much prefer supporting creators directly. IMO the platform should be paid-only and have a revenue-share system akin to Nebula. Fuck ads.

  • Let's play a game
  • You are almost correct. I am 20.

  • What Was Your Worst Experience Moving?
  • Hope the person you helped gave you some sort of gift for your hard work. Also,

    humongous chungus

    This is very funny to me.

  • Let's play a game
  • For the foreseeable future, yes. However, I would like to start at a university in a year's time. I still need to figure out what I want to study.

    University application system of Denmark

    In Denmark, all studies have a certain amount of available spots. This varies from university to university and between different studies. There are obviously way more spots for studying medicine than Russian.

    You can apply for university in two groups (da: kvoter); group 1 and group 2. When applying for group 2, you also apply for group 1. When applying for group 1, the only thing that matters is your average grade from your secondary education (usually Gymnasium). The university starts with the person with the highest average grade, and then go down the list until all spots are filled.

    When applying for group 2 there are various additional factors, that can get you a spot, if your average grade is not good enough to be picked in group 1. Different studies can have completely different requirements for group 1. Let's say you want to study music. Then an additional factor could be that you've started your own band, wrote your own song or something. I don't know if that's actually a benefitting factor anywhere though.


    Since my I have a high average (10.5), I can get a spot in nearly any education I want in Denmark, as long as I have the correct subject qualifications (I can't do medicine, because I only have chemistry C, while they require chemistry B). However, my subject qualifications still mean that I can get into a lot of different studies. This makes it hard for me to choose what I want to do, since my interests are also diverse. Some fields I like: Urban Planning, Linguistics, Geography, Diplomacy, History, Programming (I want to learn python).

    So right now, I am just threading water, enjoying life and making money until I know what I want to do. But I like learning and I liked being in school, so I will definetly educate myself further.

  • Let's play a game
  • Well, it is actually a job because I get paid to do it. But I also find it fun and meaningful to do, so that's why I do it. Swimming is quite a big sport in my city and in Danmark generally.

  • Let's play a game
  • I live with my parents. I my country it's very normal at my age. I currently teach swimming to schoolchildren, which I find quite a lot of joy in. Also thank you for saying that I am honourable. That makes me happy.

  • Let's play a game
  • Sometimes I get a bit carried away and it gets late. There is always more to map, so the work is never done. That's why I need to make projects and finish them one by one to feel like I'm making progress. It's very rewarding to resolve notes that other people have left, because that means that I helped someone, and that makes me happy :)

  • Let's play a game
  • If you don't know what openstreetmap is, it is a collaborative project to create a map of the world. I'm a contributor in my spare time, and I like adding new places, roads and the like. Think of it as wikipedia, but for a map of the world.

  • Let's play a game
  • I'm editing openstreetmap

  • Let's play a game
  • I am staying up later than usually. How about you?

  • Dutch sailor 'displaying' the Belgian method (not an actual method) of disposing of sea mines, 1939/1940?
  • This is like when we Danes tell jokes about Swedes and Norwegians, I assume.

    Like this: How many Norwegians to change a light bulb in the ceiling?


    Three; one to hold the lightbulb and two to carry them while going in circles.

  • 55 Days at Peking (1963 4K)
  • Just watched this movie. It's stunning how much love and care was put into the practical effects and especially set design. There are white actors playing chinese princes, which is quite jarring (apparently their access to Chinese actors was very limited because the film was made in Spain and China was under Mao at the time). Still, it is definetly entertaining and worth a watch!

  • Full movies on YouTube Limfjorden
    55 Days at Peking (1963 4K)
    [Serious] What should every young person do?
  • Do you mean wear sunscreen every day, or just when needed?

  • without saying how old you are, how old are you?
  • I tried to make a portal to Aether.

  • Removed
    Buy Old Gmail Accounts
  • Don't steal Kaleigh Gilchrist's face!

  • Thank you for driving carefully
  • Like finishing an act in Slay the Spire with one HP

  • Connect A Song Limfjorden
    Polarkreis 18, Nephew – Allein, Alene

    Both songs have the word "alone" in the title. The former has "alone" written in English; this song has it written in German ("Allein") and Danish ("Alene").

    Spørgsmål og Svar Limfjorden
    Hvilke sprog kan i, ud over dansk?

    Jeg lægger ud! Jeg har mere eller mindre talt flydende engelsk siden 5.-6. klasse. På det tidspunkt gik jeg også til russisk på aftenskole, så jeg kan også en lille smule russisk. Jeg har altid godt kunne lide tysk, og det har resulteret i at jeg taler og skriver det ret godt efter otte års tysk i skolen og gymnasiet. Det er stadigvæk svært at forstå tysk tale, i hvert fald når det går hurtigt, men hvis jeg har undertekster går det godt.

    Jeg har stadig ambitioner om at lære russisk, men jeg skal lige finde en måde det kan passe ind i min hverdag igen. Derudover er jeg også interesseret i Esperanto, Fransk og Arabisk.

    Teknologi Limfjorden
    Hvad synes I om det danske tastatur i Tommeltast (Thumb-Key)?

    Tommeltast er en tastatur app til android som har et 3x3 gitter med flere bogstaver per tast. Det minder lidt om de gamle taster fra før touchskærme. Der var ikke noget dansk tastatur så jeg lavede et, men jeg har aldrig haft nogen sparringspartnere så jeg ved ikke om det er optimalt.

    Jeg tænkte at der her nok var større chance for at finde nogen der brugte/gerne ville teste tastaturet så derfor spørger jeg. Tommeltast er forøvrigt også opensource så man kan jo bare sende ændringer ind selv. Indtil videre har det dog kun været mig der har gjort det :P

    Man kan både downloade fra F-droid og Playstore.

    (Hvis det her tæller som reklame/selvpromovering, undskylder jeg meget. Bare slet opslaget så.)

    Limfjorden Limfjorden
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