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How long do you think it will take for Western imperialism to collapse?
  • I disagree a little with the 5 years part as I can see a small chance of "a collapse" happening within that time, but as for the 30 years part it seems possible too.

    As they have to steal ever more from their own populations and can steal less from the Global South they will become weaker and fractured, and if, for example, this happens in some parts before others it can lead to fascism in some countries in Europe which might see their neighbors in better shape as enemies, potentially leading to western infighting and an acceleration of their own collapse.

    Hopefully such a scenario the conflicts stay internal instead of going global and they only weaken themselves while the rest of the world prosper. And in such a scenario we could even see Global Sout countries with enough power to massively influence western countries perhaps even leading to imperialism against them as the Global South is unlikely to go communist so fast.

    Other scenarios might be more plausible though...

  • China continues to strengthen its relations with socialist Cuba in practical ways
  • Hopefully this leads to things finally not only stabilizing but also impoving for Cuba in a concrete and sustainable way.

    And from some quick online search it seems this well might be the oil deficit of the country by a few percent, so there is still a lot of work to be done but it is a good start/continuation of their development.

  • The sanctions are working.
  • The Journal says the cause for delay involves a temperature-regulating part called a heat exchanger. Boeing had been getting them from a supplier in Russia, but when that country launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine and trade restrictions were put in place against Russian goods, Boeing started getting them from British and American suppliers. But they haven’t been able to make as many. The heat exchanger is one of “a few key parts” that Boeing has told staff is behind a 787 slowdown in a memo last week. Combined, the 787 and the also-delayed 737 Max make up 98% of the planemaker’s current order backlog.

    Hopefully it gets worse.

  • France sends combat troops to Ukraine battlefront
  • I know Medvedev said the french troops would be considered as elite fighters and would be priority to be hit without any chance of returning the bodies home. But I don't know what Putin said.

  • US and Europe accuse China of overproduction and dumping electric cars on global market
  • If the west isn't going to take them I hope China dumps some here in my country then. The western brands are like twice the price they should be so even if the chinese brands aren't as low as they should they should already be much lower than current prices, as seen by one western brand lowering the price of one of their cars by 25-30% in preparation to deal with BYD getting in the market...

  • ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo and its Anthropic equivalent are total simps
  • New robots are also using LLMs both for understanding their enviroment with cameras, rather than complicated sensors that might not understand the world as we do, and for controlling movement by basically taking in the data from the robot and what other LLMs understand from the enviroment and predicting what inputs are needed to move correctly for movement or doing any tasks.

    As the LLMs get better they can also come up with better strategies too, which is already being used to some extent to have them create, test and fix codes based on output and error messages and this should soon allow fully autonomous robots as well that can think by themselves and interact with the world leading to many advancements, like full automation of work and scientific discoveries.

  • ChatGPT 3.5 Turbo and its Anthropic equivalent are total simps
  • I was using Llama 3 8B offline and Command R 104B on HuggingChat with a system prompt to always take a Marxist-Leninist/materialist point of view and it does work quite well. You might need to play around with the wording you use when prompting but it can do a lot.

    Llama 3 8B was trying to do it even for some physics stuff I was doing so I guess I either need a better system prompt or it's the kind of things that a bigger/smarter model might deal with better. lol

  • NATO starts deploying troops as Russia races to win
  • Perhaps my info on this was a little old, and seeing as my country might be one of the few to not have mass starvation in such a scenario, according to one of the studies I saw, I might have also been too optimistic about other countries' chances.

    It seems nuclear winter could lead to an 8 degree maximum drop in temperature with a 4 degree drop after a decade and lasting a while. Perhaps. So, much worse than climate change at the current time.

    Although I do still wonder about how close to reality the soot modeling is due to possible new materials and differences from countries, which might make a big difference on the actual result, either for better or worse.

  • NATO starts deploying troops as Russia races to win
  • Nuclear winter could actually be a bonus considering the changing climate, so with possible diminushing trade to the imperialist core, specially if they nuke the periphery on their attempt to cling to power, the Global South might only have a bad, but not horrible year, before things improve for the average person.

    Although I doubt it would go as smoothly as that.

  • NATO starts deploying troops as Russia races to win
  • How long until some of them get found out and hit by cruise missiles though?

    Even if they "don't fight" they are still targets. And from what Russia has said, they are likely big targets.

  • NATO starts deploying troops as Russia races to win
  • Although Russia says there are over 3,100 mercenaries in Ukraine, these newly arriving troops are not mercenaries. They are in uniform, home country proclaimed via insignia. They mostly are concentrated in the western part of the country, although in some cases they are close to the actual fighting in the east.

    According to this there are already NATO troops in Ukraine. Any more sources on this? I don't remember hearing about it to such a degree before.

  • Chinese team unveils first text-to-video AI model on par with Sora
  • SORA still appeared to be a little better but without proper access to them is hard to be sure. Either way it's nice to see some competition rising up to help move things along.

    Hopefully with Llama 3 there is some more competition in the LLM field as well.

  • Record numbers in the US are homeless. Can cities fine them for sleeping in parks and on sidewalks?
  • Instead of sending them to jail, which is bad but they would at least have a roof and food, they will probably take their sleeping gear on cold days to make sure not all survive. Then they will probably still try to blame it on anyone trying to help the homeless, as can be expected from fascists.

  • China now produces more chips domestically than it imports.
  • Does anyone have the data for the market of machines that make chips too?

  • Iran Breaches Anglo-Zionist Defenses in Historic Attack: A Breakdown
  • is just not something that Iran would ever do, for religious and moral reasons.

    That is a good point.

    Perhaps Iran could find a middle ground between nukes and doing nothing of the sort, like destroying all power generation of the colonists next time sothing happens or even iradiating oil wells, or just holding the US responsible for the colonists attacks because if they are already sending missiles to one nuclear armed entity they might as well send to two.!?

    Either way, this attack has shown that they can and will do something, but how much they are willing to do against the imperialists is indeed still an open question.

  • Iran Breaches Anglo-Zionist Defenses in Historic Attack: A Breakdown
  • Very interesting article and these points are pretty interesting themselves:

    Firstly, one of the common counterarguments is that Israel possesses nuclear weapons, which ultimately trumps anything Iran can throw at them. But in reality, now that Iran has proven the ability to penetrate Israel, Iran too can cause nuclear devastation by striking the Israeli Dimona nuclear power plant. Destroyed nuclear plants would produce far more radioactive chaos than the relatively ‘clean’ modern nuclear weapons. Furthermore, Israel is much smaller than the comparatively gigantic Iran. Iran can take many nuclear hits and survive; but a single mass nuclear event in Israel could irradiate the entire country, making it uninhabitable.

    This by itself is a pretty big point, and with Iran's "New Equation" of responding "head on" to further colonist entity attacks on its personnel this could indeed mark a big shift in the dynamics of the region.

  • Israel's defence against Iran attack 'cost over $1bn'
  • And that's only the cotst of defence. I don't think we know yet how much actual damage there was and if Iran managed to destroy just one air defence system this price tag could possibly double.

  • German leader's visit to China shows cracks in US strategy
  • It would be very interesting to see Germany get couped, leading it to be more subservient to the US and leading to its, and Europe's, faster breakdown.

  • AI experts warn U.S. military: China has caught up to America in key areas of tech race
  • LLMs would probably be best used in systems, like multiple LLMs and normal programs each with their strenghs covering the other's weaknesses. And perhaps having programs, or even other LLMs that shut it off if anything goes wrong.

    Something weird happened to a robot?

    The brain or part of it (as there can be multiple LLMs toghether each trained to do one or a few things only) or a more powerful LLM overseeing many robots identifies that and stop it, waiting for a better LLM offsite or a human to say something.

    I mean, if the thing happening is so weird that there is no data about it available then perhaps not even a human would be able to deal well with it, meaning that an LLM doesn't need to be perfect to be very useful.

    Even if the robots had problems and would bug out causing a lot of damage we could still take a lot of people away from work and let the robots to do it if the robots can work and make enough to replenish their own losses by themselves. And with time any problem should be fixable anyway, so we might as well try.

  • AI experts warn U.S. military: China has caught up to America in key areas of tech race
  • They are trying good uses too, like using LLMs in robotics and cars (for both movement and planning), but the chats are just more visible for now, with understanble reasons.

  • KrasnaiaZvezda KrasnaiaZvezda
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