All have highlighted borders and rounded corners is just that the focused window has yellow, the others have dark borders and dark lwss visible. As for how, rounded corners with picom, and border colors are a default feature of all tiling wms
Samkyu! X11
Cultured ai
Fart into the dutch oven. Give the food a farty taste
"2 guys 1 fart - original mix"
Fart towards a lighter and channel the fartflame towards a non-inflamable canvas and enjoy the result
Give this man a masters degree innfartology
I shall train hard to achieve this power
no homo
How can a man fart at will? Wont he run out of gases eventually? Or swallowing air does the trick? Also now I aapire to become a professional fartist too
But what if the quality and composition of the fecale matter is shittier than shit? Then the fart quality would be compromised
Farting is an essential day to day activity. It helps maintain a healthy lifestyle and keeps bloating away. There are multiple types of farts, but the most common way to categorize them is by the loudness/stinkyness ratio. Essentially, the louder the fart, the less stinky (fully silent farts are the most nocive for surrounding victims). Farting can be enjoyed alone or can be turned into a group activity.
Why the downvotes tho? :(
Well eww documentation on its website and looking at others config helped me
status bar isnt eww tho. Its qtile's bar