KernelSpinlocker @ KernelSpinlocker Posts 8Comments 0Joined 2 yr. ago

KernelSpinlocker @ KernelSpinlocker
2 yr. ago
NY, 2004 - During first season of "The Apprentice", crowd acclaims Donald Trump as he shouts his famous "You're Fired" at an unfortunate contestant
1945 : US soldiers attempt to fix a severely clogged field toilet drain
Area 51, Nevada, December 2020 : Elvis Presley receives his first injection of the Covid-19 vaccine
2017 : young North Korean streamer @KJU cheered on by officials after his title of World Champion in Kerbal Space Program
1966 (declassified 2023) : NASA satellite ATS-1 takes first full-disk pictures of the Earth.
Homeless people beg for a dime as they line up for a free haircut - London, 1969