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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
1 yr. ago
  • Huh, really? I thought there were slightly more women than men, but maybe that depends on the economies etc.

    As for your second point, yes, exactly. They don't reproduce. So it doesn't matter if many men get one wife each, or if a few men get many wives each, the number of pregnancies won't change, and the number of pregnancy-related deaths won't change either. So (again), I don't see how polygyny helps in this situation.

  • Edit: This first point was wrong, but the second point still stands.

    Polygyny wouldn't solve the aforementioned problem if we suppose that the birth rate of men and women is roughly the same. If one man has many wives, some of whom even die, then several other men won't have any wives.

  • I see, for me, that just looked like inclusive borders (meaning the clip is only over when it reaches the outer border), but you're saying they should be exclusive (so the borders themselves aren't supposed to be part of the clip)?

  • There are pros to this:

    If the person you blocked can't see your posts, they can intuit that you've blocked them. Then, they might try and find you on other social media to harass you even further, or shift targets to someone else.

    If they can see your posts, they have no idea they've been blocked, similar to Reddit's shadow bans. This might make them think you're just annoyed or rarely look at your DMs, making them invest even more time to uselessly try to contact you.

    Of course, I can see the other side too, that you don't want them to know about any (new) posts you've made; but it isn't as one-sided as you seem to think it is.

  • Because you don't need to have significant experience or rent a VPS in order to do that, and I can respect that. We don't need to force FOSS developers to become proficient in everything.

    What needs to happen is some kind of tool (ideally FOSS) that lets you spin up an actual forum with the same difficulty to set it up as Discord.

  • Huh, TIL.

    Regarding your edit, that amount wasn't the cumulated cost of whatever Limewire were distributing, that would be idiotic indeed; rather the RIAA tried to call for a ruling that somehow those guys were causing $150,000 in damages - per instance. Now the article unfortunately doesn't state how they possibly tried to justify that number, and I can't be bothered to research that myself. Another thing that would interest me is how the plaintiff expected them to pay with almost every dollar on Earth.

    So while I don't think this had anything to do with "lost sales", I do agree with the possible fines and damage calculations not being fit for any sort of realistic purpose at all.

  • Sync for Lemmy

    Deeply nested comments not showing up properly

    This old thing that sometimes happened in Sync for Reddit seems to happen again here, where comments are always indented even to the point of not rendering correctly because they reached the right border. If I'm remembering correctly, this was fixed by giving the user the option to "Load more comments" in the old app, which opened a new screen starting back at the left border. Can we get something like that again?

    Post in question:

    Device information

            Sync version: v24.03.26-14:56    
        Sync flavor: googlePlay    
        View type: Slides    
        Device: RMX3085L1    
        Model: realme RMX3085    
        Android: 13