Sounds quite complicated issues. Did you try with any other distro?
Your battery removal doesn't cause any of your problems. I've used multiple laptops without batteries long-term (even for years) with zero issues.
If any other distro doesn't resolve your problems, I suspect your motherboard is either corroded or has broken components on it.
Upgrade your card. Amd RX580 should be very cheap as used unit.
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Start your bash script with 'if' and 'then' and your script is 80% done.
This is the model I have, and I don't even how it could be better.
Some 1,5 years ago I checked this item last time and it was around 80 USD so the price cut is massive.
Probably the german company you're referring to is Tuxedo, but who knows. The number '76' refers to a year 1776 when USA was founded on political level.
I changed my very expensive Weller to a Pinecil V1 some 1,5 years ago and it has made much better solderer than the past decades before it. But it almost requires the silicon cable to make that cable invisible. For a year I used Lenovo usb-c charger and it is way too stiff to let you forget that cable exists.
I also recommend to buy a proper hot blower with very small nozzle. They're expensive nowadays (around 100 USD I guess), but everytime you need to use it, it saves your mental health as a whole.
Jeremy is great at explaining complex things in a human readable format.
What kind of battery life you're getting with OP6 and are you using PostmarketOS?