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What's a moment in your life where you felt fully alive?
  • like when im kinda daydreaming on uni, i think so this is the thing i waiting for, in the end its feel good study, or when i feel love, but i feel it like a few times in my life, i feel like life has some meaning and i could just relax and go through my life, knowing like tomorrow is going to be the same day that today but not worrying about it, that i have in control everything and that im surrounded by the correct people. but honestly i feel like i can have a friend, but i wish i could have someone to love, to say my deepest feelings and he could understand me, that he or she was in the place for me, i dont know how to express that, not in a dependency relationship but that i can like a real beautiful life. but unfortunately that person hasn't come and also this communication problem that i can say anything almost my feelings lol

  • How much do you dream when you sleep?

    i was questioning that, since i can remember in two years i havent dream a lot, now i cant remember i cant dream, is like i just sleep is pure black, do you have this? or do you dream too?

    Wrong personality
  • hehe yeah...

  • We have a matrix space
  • nice!

  • GutixFeddit GutixFeddit

    Usualmente en feddit chile.

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