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Birthday rule
  • so my pc keeps "resetting" on boot and showing me DOS
  • You mean POST, Power on self test. DOS hasn't been a part of Windows since XP. And yeah replace the Knopfzelle (usually a CR2032) on your mobo. Your mobo is resetting everytime you power off cause the mobo isn't getting any power. That's what the battery is for.

  • Hybrid or small turbo 4 cylinder for hilly neighbourhoods?
  • Something that's about 20 years old and has a 1.9 turbo diesel VW engine will beat almost anything. I averaged 3.5l/100km driving through the Pyrenees with a car like this. You won't be allowed in LEZ's tho...

  • Tax The Rich EU-Petition Update
  • Again, I'm not against this initiative in it's entirety. I'm just remarking it doesn't tackle the real problem. And to answer your question, having savings around a million euros isn't weird for western Europeans. The standard of living here is fairly high. The average starter home is around 400k euros where I live. Meaning regular 4 people family homes are almost double that. Again. I'm not against this proposal. But it's just populist pandering. Most people just read the title and go "yeah eat the rich". I know Paul Magnette. I'd never vote for him cause he's not a sincere politician. He's a populist. It's the modern political disease, they're all populists. No one is honest anymore. They're all there in your face just to get votes. This proposal is nothing more than a simple ad and power grab. I wish it were different. I really do. The real problem is that no one who works for someone else earns their fair share. Corrupt governments won't solve this.

  • Tax The Rich EU-Petition Update
  • I'm not against this initiative per se. But this is just another tax on middle class people and doesn't tackle the real wealth being hidden in multinationals that don't pay any tax and hold governments hostage by threat of moving their employment away. They are the problem. They pollute like no other because no one is ever held accountable.

  • How much does a beer cost?
  • Belgium's, quite a bit off. I'd frequent the hell out of a place that would sell beer that cheap. Most places sell 0.5l's for around €6 nowadays. The lowest price store bought is ridiculous here though. It's around 90 cents per liter. Most people have some prejudice around it because of the price but it's actually a very good beer. Carapils I ♥️ you!!!

  • Amoled Background Error
  • The menu is still grey on my devices, was it grey before? Everything else seems to be fixed.

  • Amoled Background Error
  • Same here. Everything is grey instead of black. Nothing in settings helps. Hope this gets fixed.

  • Can't learn if you don't fail!
  • Is the last word supposed to be in jest? Like a "no regerts" tattoo?

  • Google lens search history

    So apparently Google finally provides this functionality as an opt in privacy option in your Google account. The thing is though.. the check box and line "Include visual search history" isn't there in my account settings. It's supposed to be under Data & Privacy => Web & App Activity. Is this still in AB testing or being rolled out per region or...??

    Thanks for anyone who can help me find an answer. I've been wanting this feature for a long time and google can't provide me with an answer to this question.

    Child in the sun - Giuseppe De Nittis (1869)
  • Looks like Christian Bale if he played a part in Indiana Jones and the last crusade... Weird

  • ‘Star Trek: Discovery’ Star Sonequa Martin-Green on the Show’s Unexpected Final Season, the ‘Pressure’ of Representation and Taking the ‘Trek’ Cruise
  • Besides the writing not resembling anything Roddenberry would've made, the bad acting and pandering were really off putting. I'm genuinely surprised it even got renewed 4 times.

  • Where is the weirdest place you have lost a pair of sunglasses?
  • On a rollercoaster ride where you had to wear VR headsets. Didn't notice they weren't in my shirt anymore untill I was outside.

  • Tesla gets tagged with once-unthinkable analyst prediction: Sales will fall - Autoblog
  • I'm looking to buy a new car and I'm not looking at Teslas at all. They have weird design; no dashboard cluster, no buttons, there's a camera recording you, ... Also no android auto Also their resale value has been dropping like crazy because they're basically cheap body shells with used up expensive-to-replace battery packs.

  • Why did you buy a big phone?
  • Because I want a big phone. More battery and more screen is better for me. In all these videos they say phones have gotten bigger... But they haven't. They've been around the same size for 7 - 8 years now. People think this because the screen diagonal has crept up a bit but that doesn't tell much about the size when the screen ratios changes. In fact there were quite a few phones that were over 80mm wide 5+ years ago. I wish they still made some like that instead of making them longer.

  • I need help choosing my next GPU below 400 Euros
  • I know you said you don't want to buy second hand, but if I were you I'd buy a 6800 xt second hand. That's by far the best bang per buck you'll get. I've been buying second hand gpu's for over 10 years and have never had any trouble. Just don't buy any dirty, overclocked or used for mining cards and you should be fine. I already looked on OLX and there are a few between €350 and €400. If you really want to buy new I'd go for the 7600 xt.

    Good luck!

  • Carpet Rule

  • The Year’s Wildest TV Tech Thriller Is a Cartoon
  • Just finished watching the last episode 5 minutes ago... still kinda high of how good that just was.... I haven't seen/read anything this good/all encompassing in years. How have I not heard or seen anything about this show until I saw it pop up on torrent sites a few days ago. Just WOOOWWW.... If you're into literature def go out of your way to see this. It's very very modern though. I notice people have a hard time grasping what is actually being told. It has some minor flaws throughout, but the culmination at the end is ... WOW... Very happy to have lived and experienced this.

  • How a Big Pharma Company Stalled a Potentially Lifesaving Vaccine in Pursuit of Bigger Profits
  • Well this is the system we keep voting for ... there's not profit in curing a disease ...

  • Fuckswearwords Fuckswearwords
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