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A mile rule
  • Well you seem to be in the minority here so it would appear that the majority of people understand my definition as correct since that's the definition as defined in multiple dictionaries.

  • A mile rule
  • If you appreciate authority, you're an authoritarian...

  • A mile rule
  • I'm fully aware of the keys to power that you are referring to, and I agree the main struggle would be to get society as a whole to realize and remember that they hold power over those keys and that the keys have convinced the populous of the reverse

  • A mile rule
  • Don't you understand they're the bad word gang and you don't want to be associated with the gad word gang that I think is bad because it's bad. Now let me ignore this other label that applies to me because I don't want to understand that it's worse bad. /S

  • A mile rule
  • the word libertarian literally does mean what I'm telling you though . What your experiencing is that your personal definition is not matching up with everyone else's reality. You've just been misinformed and have only been exposed to a subset of libertarian ideals . To put this in an analogy it's like if I said truck and you assumed I was talking about a Ford F-350 when in fact I'm referring to all trucks. From tiny k trucks to 18 wheeler big rigs

  • A mile rule
  • You either like authority or you don't. That's binary. How much you like or dislike it is the spectrum.

  • A mile rule
  • Oh I'm fully aware. I'm not a socialist though. I still think capitalism is the best model for innovation it's just the current system is geared to fuck the small mom and pop and only benefit massive conglomerations. If I was hypothetically in charge I would fully cut corporate welfare and redirect all of that directly to proper funding of essential services and safety nets and infrastructure. If your company requires government handout money to run, it should go under. That's the capitalism I want to see.

  • A mile rule
  • And this is why I am a minarchist ultimately, we know that there must be a monopoly on violence, preferably that would be held by a state of elected peers that can be impeached for transgressions against the public trust. I am 100% personally for protections and social safety nets, a strong system to protect and enrich the lives of citizens so that they can be productive and have better outputs in the long run benefits all of us. And it turns out it's generally cheaper to fix problems then let them fester and rot.

    Personally, I would love modern societies bring back banishment as a punishment for being a corrupt official. Imagine if election day lets you vote somebody out of the country for being a huge dick head and a detriment to your life and rights.

  • A mile rule
  • A mile rule
  • I'm not him, but technically anybody who isn't an authoritarian is a libertarian. Economic theory is Left Right. Freedom is up down. It's a spectrum.

    Though apparently I'm one of the minority libertarians as I believe in egotistical altruism. Caring about the planet etc.

  • A mile rule
  • there are also people like me who are in the middle and think both the left and right have valid economic points and arguments but that authoritarian rule is gross.
    Libertarianism is a spectrum just like authoritarianism.

  • Path of least resistance
  • Look at the original desire path it goes to the corner the paved path is offset 30 degrees because people want to access the crosswalk not the sidewalk then the crosswalk

  • Would you trust yourself with infinite wealth?
  • Egotistical altruism.... Yes.

    The better that we can make everybody else's life, the better your own life becomes in return.

  • Path of least resistance
  • It suggests that whoever keeps trying to force for the pathing is an idiot

  • rule
  • You seem to have an entirely separate definition of what egotistical altruism means from how most other people understand the concept. In its simplest form it's just doing good unto others so they can live more productive better lives as more of their needs are met by community support.

  • rule
  • Special snowflake syndrome.

  • rule
  • This is America we are discussing. On a worldwide political spectrum. Sure, definitely to the right of the central line but from the American perspective that's as left as it gets.

  • Anon gets corrected
  • Claims to understand language

    doesn't understand word is being used in a non-gendered manner.... The verb is completely detached from the noun in normal use. You could say Elon musk is the world's richest bitch and that would not be even insulting. That would be a snide way to say he is exceedingly wealthy. If I said Elon Musk that rich bitch? then again, bitch would not be being used in a derogatory or gendered manner. If I said Elon musk is a massive bitch. Now we have finally arrived at an insult. Still not gendered.

    Edit side to snide

  • rule
  • I'm not the guy you're replying to and I am interested to hear his response, but also I'd like to point out that you jumped to conclusions faster than Superman can jump over a building. But hey what do I know? I'm just a libertarian minarchist. Personally, almost all of your purity tests are repugnant from my point of view.

    Maybe you should look into egotistical altruism.

  • Forester Forester

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