Ich kenn kaum ein "all you can eat", wo man kein Hinweis an der TĂŒre hat, dass man nichts mit nach Hause nehmen darf. Und das nicht gegessenes Essen doppelt kostet.
Wo hab ich das nur schonmal gehört? Ach ja, bei den letzten Wahlen. Und denen davor.
Guess I'll have to move to the UK for this, lol
Ob der Herr Wissing und der GeschĂ€ftsfĂŒhrer >von Volocopter wohl befreundet sind?
Ne, der hat vermutlich nur einen Betriebsratsposten angeboten bekommen. /s
Somehow, I can identify myself with that title too much
I don't even get that spam, like there is no point in sending just emojies or ?
Ich ignorier mal, das das Gendern ab nem Punkt ausbaufÀhig ist :P
It would be nice if there would stack up souveniers from the adventures or whatevee the protagonists go through. But I really love the like curvy, nonlinear crosswalks.
It would be nice if there would stack up souveniers from the adventures or whatevee the protagonists go through. But I really love the like curvy, nonlinear crosswalks.
I'd like to include "I still dont care abour cookies" into the disscusion, cause I hate all these cookie-popups with X Submenues zu disable all optional Cookies.
If they eventually have power and connection to the outside world.
Wait wait wait. There are actually ppl who don't order whole Pizzas, but a specific number of slices?
Yea, I feel like we need a lemmy "know your meme" sometimes