FiskFisk33 @ FiskFisk33 Posts 2Comments 1,398Joined 2 yr. ago
sender stack =/= receiver stack.
different languages I presume
Fusion 360
I don't believe automatic swerving is a good idea, depending on what's off to the side it has the potential to make a bad situation much worse.
I'm thinking like, kid runs into the street, car swerves and mows down a crowd on the sidewalk
if it can actually sense a crash is imminent, why wouldn't it be programmed to slam the brakes instead of just turning off?
Do they have a problem with false positives?
nasssty little canadianses
What the fuck
This is English, the language where "read" and "read" are two different words pronounced differently.
I'll be saving that one
"Gas" doesnt refer to its state of matter, it's short for gasoline.
Why would I want to get popcorn stuck in my tooth?
Now do it in tcp!
“But humans can do it with their eyes!”
That's the best part, they kinda can't.
There are videos from before they pulled the sensors of some pretty cool stuff where teslas slammed the breaks before anything visibly happened, based on lidar sensors sensing trouble a couple cars up the road, completely blocked to vision.
super cool safety tech, and then they pulled it....
one example here
both sugar and its substitutes are bad for you, in different ways.
No one could predict the ramifications of dumping some tea in a harbour
super common in Sweden.
there are central heating plants that supply heat for whole communities.
whats wrong? they're the same value no?