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always remember our heroes
  • flatten Tel Aviv

  • The US regime just executed another innocent black man.
  • i would prefer to never hear from you again either :)

  • My wife and I just came home from vacation, and after 4½ years of avoiding it, we have COVID.
  • yeah, I guess if you put your fingers in your ears and say "lalalalala I can't hear you" when people post evidence of the pandemic NOT being over (like the positive COVID results you're posting under, CDC/WHO data showing increasing infection rates, etc), then it really IS over. very rational and materialist perspective to maintain :)

  • The US regime just executed another innocent black man.
  • deeply, deeply unserious

  • Large Majority of Americans Want to End Electoral College
  • sorry, I asked the parliamentarian if we could do democracy today and he told me to go fuck myself :/

  • The US regime just executed another innocent black man.
  • not all that oppressive

    not all that anti-democratic

    under a post about an innocent person being executed despite mountains of exonerative evidence

    you are not a serious person

  • First woman dies in ‘suicide capsule’ in Switzerland
  • true, it should be a subscription model. can't remember to cancel it if you're dead 😉

  • UK: Labour Party bans words 'genocide' and 'apartheid' from conference
  • Rome was not built in a day; the People's Republic of Rome will take even longer. Keep at it, it's the only way forward.

  • UK: Labour Party bans words 'genocide' and 'apartheid' from conference
  • just don't talk about it and it doesn't exist :)

  • UN votes 124-14 to strip Israel of right to self-defense in Gaza, West Bank
  • one side DOES have everything to lose, and it's the side being ethnically cleansed, starved, kidnapped, bombed, mauled by dogs, indiscriminately shot, and thrown into rape camps for about 75 years now. I'm glad you agree Palestinians have a right to resist their own eradication 🫡

  • UN votes 124-14 to strip Israel of right to self-defense in Gaza, West Bank
  • so you agree, Palestine has a right to defend itself, including with armed resistance? or is this a case of "FAFO for me, but not for thee"?

  • Jill Stein Is Killing the Green Party
  • will be voting for the PSL if they're on the ballot in my state, Claudia De la Cruz is great. if they don't make it on the ballot then it'll probably go to Stein as I believe she's confirmed on the ballot in my state, but the PSL is my first choice!

    edit: just checked, the PSL is indeed on the ballot in my state, so they've got my vote :3

  • Dozens of Hezbollah members reportedly hurt by exploding pagers
  • the state sponsored terrorism enjoyer has logged on

  • Jill Stein surges ahead of Kamala Harris among Muslim-American voters in key swing states
  • It also doesn’t help that a vote for Jill Stein is a vote for the disbandment of NATO and the disruption of Ukraine aid.

  • Jill Stein surges ahead of Kamala Harris among Muslim-American voters in key swing states
  • that's what happens when you tell voters to fuck off when they suggest ways in which you can win their vote. hope it was worth it!

  • Share your stories
  • read Maus a few months ago (as a 30 year old man) and it has hung over me like a dark cloud. I had to physically set the book down and walk away when it got to the diagrams of the gas chambers at Auschwitz, detailing how industrialized the extermination was. absolutely horrifying.

  • United States | News & Politics Fidel_Cashflow
    US appeals court blocks all of Biden student debt relief plan
    Bird flu detected in Houston-area wastewater Bird flu detected in Houston-area wastewater

    Officials have confirmed reports of bird flu (H5N1) being detected in wastewater in the Houston area.

    Bird flu detected in Houston-area wastewater

    Who's ready for Pandemic 2?

    First sodium-ion battery storage station at grid level opens with cells that can be charged in 12 minutes First sodium-ion battery storage station at grid level opens with cells that can be charged in 12 minutes

    Clean electricity generation paired with the first grid-level sodium battery energy storage system can bring costs down to just $0.028 per kWh. The 10 MWh storage capacity is executed with sodium-ion cells that can be charged in just 12 minutes.

    First sodium-ion battery storage station at grid level opens with cells that can be charged in 12 minutes
    Fidel_Cashflow Fidel_Cashflow
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