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InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
2 mo. ago
  • Conservatism is for people who can't think for them selves. They Can't comprehend there are different needs for many different peoples. They need to be told how to live, love, and even act. Education can solve the issue but those kinds of people don't want education they want everything to be under their control their ideology.

  • no surprise that a Chinese manufacturer are using slave labor to make their products. a good chinamen is a good slave, that's what society has taught me since they just lie down and accept this kind of treatment. that's what the CCP teaches. those people are fucked for all time as long as the CCP remains in power.

  • the ccp/chinaman torcher a man for several months to death, then come out and say it was a mistake? I fully support the dismantling of the CCP with either nukes or political actions. im so glad to not be controlled by the ccp/