Polish city has good taste in cats 20 3
am a simple man, I see cat, I updoot
*Permanently Deleted* 35 10
Aww so sweet! okno it's like a politician kissing babies on campaign 1312
Donald Trump brands US a ‘third -world hellhole’ run by ‘perverts’ and ‘thugs’ 3 0
leopards ate his orange face
[Homemade] a five cheese pizza with peppers mushrooms and chorizo 3 0
mark this post nsfw, jeez
TIL in Japan raw eggs are generally safe to eat. This is because the country has developed a "super egg machine" that checks the inside of the eggs for salmonella using spectroscopic analysis. It a... 0 0
Part of this is that, unlike in the USA, the rest of the world does not allow chickens to shit on the eggs, they do not have to be washed and the shell is not damaged, allowing them to be stored without refrigeration. Washed eggs have compromised shells and must be kept cold.
[Misleading] First misinformation susceptibility test finds 'very online' Gen Z and millennials are most vulnerable to fake news 2 0
that test is bs, first I might be gullible and the second round 17/20, the study is the fake news