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9 mo. ago

  • no Sony makes garbage people still like a good movie regardless

    GoG 3, the animated Spider-Man movies, animated watchman movies, the Batman. Are all fantastic movies

  • they were copyrighting HER likeness

    Absolutely not. Grow up

  • the Olympics is a joke imo. the whole thing is corrupt and shitty

  • Good I'm happy for her she seems genuine and the world is such a shit place

  • bro cause he is.

    the aliens are telling their human thralls to get back in line this gon be a shit show

  • the guy's body always bothered me. the way he moved felt so strange

  • I mean you could say the same of today though

  • oh yeah 100% sorry I'm stoned when I'm on here.

    What I mean I'm trying to say is. I think in the future they'll realize how actually simple the solution to this all was and it'll just be like so frustrating to see

  • tbh I disagree. yes now it is but if you made a heavy initiative to change urban environments and cultivated plants you'd probably be able to save a lot of people

  • lol doesn't everyone do that? even if it's just coffee or some Adderall?

  • This is how a lot of things for rich people work tho

  • climate change dude the animals are confusied

  • Honestly step one less people, I'm not saying kill people just need to control our population growth

  • I don't understand why we don't put troops in cities and say fight away from civilians or commit an act of war against our soldiers

  • Kid reads Tumblr and has Internet access, thinks he knows anything. You're on the Internet too much and it is showing, you do not engage in any sort of academic setting

    You literally speak of these characters as if they're real people and that's how they really act. Spewing words like queer theory and gender ideology. People are fuckin hilarious

  • No it is not. You tried to say in "Napoleonic times" it WAS left and moved right.

    That is not how ideologies work and that is not how the political spectrum works either. Literally google political spectrum I would bet my testicles enough of them exist that literally label the left side "Liberal"

    And no my polisci professor did not say it is the opposite of conservatism especially because it predates such a thing. In fact conservatism is considered a reactionary political stance to liberalism. Instead he made it clear before Liberalism there was really only traditionalism and people discussing concepts like liberty and freedom and such, there wasn't anything to compare it to. He also made it clear that defining these and stances about these politics is extremely difficult for example people still dunno if Jefferson agreed or disagreed with Locke because of the life, liberty and pursuit of happiness line.

    But what he did make absolutely clear was the political spectrum was not very well made and that liberalism is left wing you dope