Doom @ Doom Posts 0Comments 1,082Joined 10 mo. ago

I wonder if they built some structure on top of the stone to make getting up and down easier or what?
Is there a reason the stairs are so steep?
Tbh I'd agree really. It's the way they treat the queers that makes the cis folk burn cars
So he's right.
The Russian speaking shit is so silly. half the world speaks English or Spanish or Hindi or Mandarin
Those countries now have claim on anyone who speaks the language?
This is how you know ruski culture is so backwards they're like a century behind still
people forget Christians are a doomsday cult
they genuinely want the end of days, that's what their whole thing is about
The orchestrator of the Red Scare, MacCarthy had a left hand man, Roy Cohn.
Roy Cohn is Donald Trump's mentor, his other mentee was Roger Stone. Roger Stone is the one who got bush elected in 2000 by kerfuffling in Florida with proto proud boys
Bout to be British innit?!
I honestly think this is what will happen.
They're children. They're panicking and trying to hide a mess, the adults will just walk in and fix it
It's actually XYZ
X is the American fascists
Z are the Russian fascists
Y is what you keep asking
Nah totally different. Biden has a genuinely decent economy brewing, Trump doesn't.
One is a fib, the other a lie. You know all finances are based on bullshit right? You can't be honest with it, you have to play pretend
Donate to wikipedia.
are these worth it? how's the company trust wise
no way when did she say that
you think that but look up his signature it's obviously done by a machine like most fuckin people these days
Is this a joke?
They are definitely different. Skewing perspective is always the thing they do but you know one of them is fucking insane about it. Dunno if you notice
It's not. if you step back there are consistent protests for BLM, March against the alt right, white supremacist shit gets chased out of Philly and Boston all the time.
It's not cool over it, people are getting pissed. It's just media doesn't benefit telling us.
I don't understand why people think Americans are just taking it.
Do you know how many times people protest, how many times people are beat for it? Cop city in the south, Portland, literally most colleges.
People are doing shit and it does matter. Part of the problem is acting like nobody is and making their work seem worthless