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Someone opened my phone
  • Yeah. It was clearly good will. Even the banking, they probably didn't realize the app was banking (foreign bank). Signal was Molly, so they honestly were personally confused since I run KISS Launcher.

    The problem is that they used my phone to call my contacts.

  • Someone opened my phone

    I'm running Graphene on a Pixel 6. I lost it and someone opened it somehow and called two of my contacts to give it back.

    I'm a bit confused how this even happened. When I got the phone back, they were going through my contacts. I checked app usage stats and they went through a banking app (not missing money), maps, signal, etc.

    Is there a way to figure out how they even unlocked my phone?

    1 in 4 adults think smacking is necessary to 'properly raise' kids. But attitudes are changing
  • Yeah. Honestly, 99% of the time my kid is having a fit, it's because he's hungry. I never yell either. Never have and probably never will (barring seriously dangerous things that need to immediately stop).

    After a couple months of feeding him when he's upset, watching him calm down, apologizing if I angered him and then asking him if maybe he was so angry because he was really hungry, now he'll actually tell me mid-fit that he's really hungry. Or sleepy, scared, etc. Talking basic needs, not just hunger.

    Honestly I'm really happy. The emotional maturity of a toddler that can recognize that in large part his anger is being hungry it's pretty cool.

  • Degrowth and prisoner's dilemma
  • So look at the drug war, war on terrorism, money laundering sanctions, international tax evasion measures. The US and EU basically force the world to comply.

    Imagine the EU and US are fully on board and say Australia decides no. What would happen to the Australian economy if they suddenly were barred from trading the dollar and euro. Australia is a big country and would be on the US/EU side. Imagine if Mexico or Croatia tried that. No chance.

    Extreme? We did that to Russia during the Ukraine invasion.

    This isn't difficult. They just don't care enough.

  • All charges dropped against Leif Autzen
  • What a time to be alive. Nazis wearing chainmail and bringing children to protest drag events. If I didn't follow the news, I'm not sure I would be able to tell this wasn't a LARP event.

  • BVG out here recommending the best 2FA Apps!
  • I have a really long password on Bitwarden like 30+. I use OnlyKey to store this password on a hardware device.

    You mentioned phones. My problem with using another 2FA app is that it's still on my phone.

  • All charges dropped against Leif Autzen
  • Are there any neutral sources? Or at least more complete accountings? I only find Leif's account and some transphobic accounts.

    The only "facts" I could find are that Leif had an AR-15 and maced 2-4 people (depending on the account). The transphobic one says children were maced.

    I'm just legitimately interested in what happened.

  • Assistance exercise for dynamics
  • I tried last night to do toes to bar like you mention. I'm weak on the last 60 deg of the pike movement. I can cheat by using my shoulders to lean back (front lever type movement), but this puts a lot of strain on my upper back (not injury type strain, just in weak).

    Straddle V-hang pullups are also a bit weak. Can't do close leg V-hang pullups yet.

    Basically just need to get my pike/toes to bar stronger and work on front lever I guess.


  • All things bodyweight Dislodge3233
    Assistance exercise for dynamics

    I'm starting to train circus dynamics on rope. Doing various types of beats is really hard on my upper back and neck. This is what I'm training (not me),

    I'm around 1-3 rep range for this movement, which means long recoveries and injury risk.

    Are there any good assistance exercises? I'm looking for something I could do around 5-8 reps of so I can get stronger for this.

    Helping child speak non local language

    My kid [3yrs] speaks the local language with his other parent (separated. 50/50). and English with me (my native language). I speak both and my kid knows this, so I can't hide it.

    He speaks the local language well, but English is a struggle. Comprehension is 100%, but he only speaks random words. He mostly speaks to me in the local language. Where we live, he will learn English in school, so I'm not worried about that.

    I've tried various things to get him speaking English, but it's a struggle.

    Are there any strategies that might work?

    Cheap Cloud/Photo Storage: BackBlaze + Rclone + Round Sync

    I didn't see this on any privacy guide, but with minimal work, you can have a cloud drive that's accessible from your phone and laptop.

    Basically setup Rclone mounted => Rclone crypt => Rclone + Backblaze. Dump all your files and it works like a normal cloud drive. Android Rclone client is here

    Round Sync let's you setup Cronjobs so you can backup all your photos or whatever automatically. I have a job that syncs all my photos to my drive every couple days.

    I store a lot in Backblaze and it's <1USD/mo. I can provide details if there is interest.

    How to prepare for retaliation?

    I'm preparing to file a complaint that may result in retaliation. My company might try to lay me off to make me go away. What should I do to prepare?

    I'm currently,

    • collecting performance reviews
    • evidence that they are not planning to lay me off at the moment
    • evidence to support my complaint

    Anything else I should do?

    Do any hardened Linux distributions exist?

    For example, ones that implement these guidelines?

    Alternatively, packages for Fedora that would set this up automatically

    Download Google Maps Routes as .ics

    Where I live, Google Maps is the only mapping option.

    Is there anyway to download the route as .ics to add to Proton Calendar?

    Subtle Gay quotes/poems/etc.

    Lesbians have Sappho to get cute stuff from. I'm looking for something similar for men, that's pro-gay or anti homophobe.

    Needs to be subtle and an "if you know you know" vibe because I want to make art things in a homophobic area.

    Any ideas?

    Recommendations of Science/History shows for toddlers [3+ yrs]

    I'm particularly interested in highlighting the scientific method or historical method. Preferably with short episodes of ~10min and not too flashy/magical.

    Any recommendations?

    What is the breakdown of the "70%" of carbon emissions by companies?

    I read things like "70% of emissions are by large energy companies". It often seems to be followed by claims that individual action is insignificant.

    The logic seems off because if everyone stopped buying from those companies, then the emissions would be gone. Or in effect, buying from those companies buys you a share of the emissions.

    Is there a good breakdown of the emissions? What percent is attributable to the consumer? Am I missing something?

    All things bodyweight Dislodge3233
    How to improve tendons recovery time

    I'm not on a program per say, but in aerials, when I start training new movements, my tendons (eg. elbows) get really sore.

    I normally just lay off them until they recover. Are there any ways to make the recovery faster?

    Finding Local Polyamory Communities

    What are your ways of finding the poly people in your local area? Do you have a community and meetups?

    Finding gay/bi sex parties in Europe

    I currently find my parties on Fetlife, but it's mostly just bi women and straight guys. Maybe like 10% of men are bi/gay. The parties are great, but leave some holes in my life unfilled ...

    Any other platforms like Fetlife for finding good parties, but with more men?

    Donate to

    Can we donate to Is it a registered charity?

    I don't have German bank accounts. This is just the closest instance to my country.

    Alternative to Google Pay

    I have to manage multiple bank cards, and if I lost them, I would have a major problem. I've been using Google Pay to pay via NFC.

    Are there any alternatives to Google Pay? I dislike the privacy aspect of it.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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