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6 yr. ago

  • If genocide isn't negotiable for your party, maybe you should find a new one.

  • No one forced the democrats to do this:

  • Post the video coward.

  • I jump around the OSS launchers a lot, but always come back to Olauncher.

  • It seems like it should help, but in practice, its been useless. You end up having a greater diversity of candidates and parties, but if capital still stands above the political system and controls it, it just means more capitalist puppets, and more advertising money required to get those preferred puppets elected.

    Multi-party Bourgeois parliamentarism is not really any different from the ancient roman imperial senate. Its government by oligarchy / the wealthy entrenched class.

  • I recently wrote an android app to help rank your favorite things, and its been really helpful for ranking my fav books. Rank-my-favs

    Anytime I finish a new book, it gets added and sorted in the list.

  • Of course. Its the "liberty" of capitalists do to whatever they can get away with. Unlimited power for the capitalist class.

  • This is also wrong. US liberals are just as anticommunist as their further right counterparts, and their "social liberalism" goes only so far as not to infringe on capitalist "freedom" to do whatever they can get away with. Hence their hatred of homeless / the poor, communists, and colonized peoples.

    As the saying goes, US liberals are against every genocide except the current one. Hence their staunch support for Israel's genocide of Palestinians.

  • And also, the US bombs all the groups above you just mentioned without distinction. The Obama administration for example dropped an average of 80 bombs every day of his presidency on the middle east and north africa.

  • Just because US democrats stopped calling them "detention camps", and prefer "influx" facilities, doesn't mean they did anything to dismantle the immigrant prison system that's currently holding 30,000+ people in camps.

  • Alternative voting methods have proven useless against capitalist power. Countries like Australia and Japan use them, and it does nothing. It might make candidate stacking a little more expensive, and they have to pay more to advertise their candidates, but that's it.

  • The liberals are still doing this in 2025. We shouldn't really be surprised I spose.

  • No marxist does this, and the painting of communists as inherently violent is pure capitalist projection. But we do disagree with pacifism.

  • Not enough. And who is getting punished in the military for scheduling all these flights across civilian traffic lanes and wrecklesslyekilling 60 people?

  • There are far better privacy alternatives to both: matrix, xmpp, simplex all work well and don't require phone numbers or US-based hosting.

  • Behind those usernames, are phone numbers (meaning real identities) stored in signal's database.

  • But they don't have to know who the message comes from, hence why the sealed sender technique works.

    Anyone who's worked with centralized databases can tell you that even if they did add something like that, with message timestamps, it'd be trivial to find the real sender of a message. You have no proof that they even use that, because the server is centralized, and closed source. Again, if their response is "just trust us", then its not secure.

  • If you don't know what an NSL is, then you definitely shouldn't be speaking about privacy.

  • Thx for that explanation, I hope to god people get fried over this. The military just killed >60 civilians out of negligence. The potomac is an extremely common runway area for the reagan airport, and military planes and helicopters criss-cross it constantly.

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