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9 mo. ago

  • The punchline goes a bit further than just imprisonment, see the Stanford Prison Experiment

  • Oops!

  • How could our beloved leader engage in war crimes if we do not see war as a crime?

    Checkmate, Westerners.

  • Our citizens pay taxes out of pure love and devotion to our Dear Leader. We don't have room for your silly Western moralities.

  • Lefty Nemesis

  • This is fake Western news.

    The lights illuminating the statues of our Dear Leader shine 24 hours a day.

  • I'm new

  • People view North Korea with contempt? Who would do such a thing?

    No, seriously, we'd love to know so we can send them to a reeducation camp change their mind.

  • Those are photoshopped images from untrustworthy western media; do not trust them. Homes in North Korea shine as bright as our love for our esteemed leader.

  • Please stop sharing lies.

    The highly esteemed Kim family does not require food, so your point is entirely redundant.

  • 1800s? Public executions are a treasured pastime in my country.

  • There is only one size in Best Korea. It's derived from our Dear Leader's own measurements and called "Medium".

    There will be no questions.