Agonizing: Stay or Go
Preface: This thread is less about asking for reasons to stay/go, and more of an attempt to not feel alone.
We have the means and opportunity to leave the United States in the near future. As much as we don't want to upturn our lives, we also want to live free.
Reasons to go:
- We are not confident that the current political order will do anything but make life worse for trans people
- We are not confident that any political order in the next few elections would try and help trans people
- Living in the USA with documents that don't match gender identity is a red line for us
- It's clear that the USA has been like this for some time. It just happens to be our turn
Reasons to stay:
- We live in a safe area of a "safe for now" state (Counter-counter: for now)
- We recently settled down here, thinking it would be for the rest of our lives (Counter-counter: It's "just" material stuff)
- We have queer friends whom we'd be leaving behind
- Why should we disappear from our homeland witho
They don't need to quit, but pretending that they're "changing the system" doesn't help anyone.
They're showing up to work, and maybe helping people, but "the system" is defined by rules and goals. Only people with power to make rules and change goals can impact the system. The postmaster who lets a trans person change their passport marker isn't changing the system. They're subverting its goals, but the system remains.
In 1936, the people trying to do something about Hitler weren't the same people signing up for an SS uniform. They were organizing opposition outside of the Nazi party.
I have friends who work in federal government, and I would laugh if any of them told me they were planning to "change things from the inside". MF your entire department exists at the whim of a fascist president. You can't change shit in that situation. Best case is you can maybe improve a couple of outcomes that are in your direct line of work. That's nice and all, but it doesn't change the system.
For all the WW2 Nazis who developed a conscience and helped people where they could: Good for them. However, it didn't change anything about the system they took part in. The destruction of German Nazism came from external action.
I have an A380, but I bet an A310 would also do the job fine.
I've never actually tested the performance of simultaneous transcodes. However, my server generally sees 2-5 active users on a busy night, and nobody has complained about buffering so far.
Before you run off and get Nvidia, take serious consideration of the Intel ARC line. They're relatively cheap and have great transcoding performance. They're supported by Linux out of the box, and I had no problem getting docker passthrough enabled. Unlike Nvidia the drivers don't have built-in limits for how many simultaneous streams you can transcode.
I recommend The Dirty Dozen. It came out in the 60s, so you're not getting Tarantino level gore. However, it gets so close to that line anyway.
AMD Ryzen 9 5950X
Does that even have an APU? I don't think it would have any transcoding hardware without one.
Ah, I see what you mean. Yeah, no way around that without a GPU or a processor with integrated graphics.
You should be able to get a used workstation GPU for $20-40 on eBay. Something from Dell, or a basic nvidia quadro would do the trick. If you could sell the 1660 super for more than that, could be worth the effort.
Alternatively, the 1660 Super would do the trick nicely if you ever needed to transcode video streams, like from running Jellyfin or Plex.
However, I was never able to have the server completely headless.
Depending on what you mean by "completely headless" it may or may not be possible.
Simplest solution: When you're installing OS and setting up the system, you have a GPU and monitor for local access. Once you've configured ssh access, you no longer need the GPU or monitor. You could get by with a cheap "Just display something" graphics card and keep it permanently installed, only plugging in the monitor when something is not working right. This is what I used to do.
Downside: If you ever need to perform an OS reinstall, debug boot issues, or change BIOS settings, you will need to reconnect the monitor.
Medium tech solution: Install a cheap graphics card, and then connect your server with something like PiKVM or BliKVM. They can plug into your GPU and motherboard and provide a web interface to control your server physically. Everything from controlling physical power buttons to emulating a USB storage device is possible. You'll be able to boot from cold start, install OS, and change BIOS settings without ever needing a physical monitor. This is what I do now.
Downsides: Additional cost to buy the KVM hardware, plus now you have to remember to keep your KVM software updated. Anyone who controls the KVM has equivalent physical access to the server, so keep it secure and off the public internet.
You could require that players wear glasses of a certain kind: Eg transparent plastic frames, or fine wire frames which are too small to conceal any device.
Flemish revolution, hon. You're in the army now!
"Honey, you'll never believe the deal I just got for some particle board!"
Yes. Such a transaction would be legally classified as a service: You pay publisher a one-time fee for access to the right to play their game over a known period of time.
We manage branches by taking an existing path on the perforce server, duplicating its contents, and then copying them to a differently named directory while registering that new path serverside.
So on paper, I can tell my local client to map my files to that new remote path, and then trigger a sync. In my experience, the sync treats my branch jumping as pulling completely new files. It touches everything in my work directory. As far as our makefiles are concerned, this means everything has to rebuild.
Thunderbird is back in active deleopmemt though, and not just as a maintenance project.
My husband has been able to rent complete outfits in his size at Men's Wearhouse, no trouble. This despite the fact that he has a hard time finding men's shoes in his size at most places.
One thing you should do is make sure you leave several days between when you pick up the tux and the night of the event. They have never done the right alterations for my husband first time. In one case, we received everything unchanged, because the tailor thought the measured proportions were a mistake. If you have extra days before the event, you can send things back for further alteration and still get them back in time.
How should I increment an int?
Reminds me of
What, and miss out on all the overtime pay from fixing everything at the last minute?
I wouldn't have done this, but I do kinda get it.
We had a 100 person wedding. Friends, close family, and Aunts/Uncles (no cousins, extended relatives). There definitely were people interested in giving us gifts even though they weren't invited. I told them basically the same thing as this card. It was annoying having to field those requests at the same time as prepping for the wedding, so I could see why someone would send this card preemptively.
I feel like it would only be trashy if you were really expecting money from these people.
Actually, C++. An enormous codebase plus we build all dependencies from source. I asked my dev lead why we don't have access to pre-compiled dependencies and he answered with a mix of embarrassment and "that's just how it's done".
A 4h build would be OK if I only needed to do it once. However, our source control system lacks even a basic conception of branches, so each new ticket requires destroying and regenerating your workspace.
Our tooling saps my will to work
I hate every interaction with our tooling. I loathe our older-than-dirt source control system. I hate our 4+ hour build times from scratch. I can't stand our "never plan shit" development process. I despise waiting 3+ months to see my changes in prod. I'm baffled by our RTFM onboarding process when the "manual" is some document written at project launch that's never been updated in the 10 years since.
My current task is simple, took a short time to write my code. But I've had so much trouble with tooling that the process of submitting a code review has stretched over a week. At this point, I know what I can do next to fix it, and it would take maybe 20 mins to do. However, I can't bring myself to even do that.
As cruel as it feels to say, my manager is like some NPC. I am on two teams, one of which I meet with every day who doesn't understand the work I'm doing for team #2. Team #2 meanwhile consists mostly of people I've never met, not even on video calls.
The company is
Tranarchy in the UK: Questions about GRC and immigration
cross-posted from:
I am a cisgender man with dual citizenship between the USA and the UK. My husband is a transgender man who does not have UK citizenship.
As part of our threat modeling, we are developing a shortlist of nations where we would migrate if things get rough. The UK, while being on a worrisome trend line with regards ro trans rights, made the list because it would be relatively simple for us to move and work there with my citizenship already sorted.
Could any UK trans people help us to understand the GRC? My husband has fully transitioned with respect to his US documentation. When we married, he was also a man. Since all his documents match, could he get by without a GRC, or would he be forced through the humiliation of immigrating as his birth-sex and then acquiring a GRC once we moved? Would a GRC be necessary to receive basic healthcare and/or hormones?
Tranarchy in the UK: Questions about GRC and immigration
cross-posted from:
I am a cisgender man with dual citizenship between the USA and the UK. My husband is a transgender man who does not have UK citizenship.
As part of our threat modeling, we are developing a shortlist of nations where we would migrate if things get rough. The UK, while being on a worrisome trend line with regards ro trans rights, made the list because it would be relatively simple for us to move and work there with my citizenship already sorted.
Could any UK trans people help us to understand the GRC? My husband has fully transitioned with respect to his US documentation. When we married, he was also a man. Since all his documents match, could he get by without a GRC, or would he be forced through the humiliation of immigrating as his birth-sex and then acquiring a GRC once we moved? Would a GRC be necessary to receive basic healthcare and/or hormones?
Tranarchy in the UK: Questions about GRC and immigration
I am a cisgender man with dual citizenship between the USA and the UK. My husband is a transgender man who does not have UK citizenship.
As part of our threat modeling, we are developing a shortlist of nations where we would migrate if things get rough. The UK, while being on a worrisome trend line with regards ro trans rights, made the list because it would be relatively simple for us to move and work there with my citizenship already sorted.
Could any UK trans people help us to understand the GRC? My husband has fully transitioned with respect to his US documentation. When we married, he was also a man. Since all his documents match, could he get by without a GRC, or would he be forced through the humiliation of immigrating as his birth-sex and then acquiring a GRC once we moved? Would a GRC be necessary to receive basic healthcare and/or hormones?