My story is still being written. My mother wanted to give me a horrendous name when I was born and my older brother saved me and gave me the name I've had until now. I'm hoping when I come out to him he will be accepting and if I'm really lucky maybe he can give me the name I'll use for the remainder of my life.
Met my best friend last December. A few months before I met her I had nearly died due to alcohol abuse where I was hospitalized for week, after which I chose to act on the fact I was transgendered. I started GAHT a week or two after meeting her. We became really close and about a month and a half ago I came out to her and she's literally changed my life with her support, helping me to come out to others and accept my true self. I still have alcohol abuse problems but she doesn't drink and I also don't drink when I spend time with her because I don't feel the need to. She lives in a different city so we usually spend entire weekends together or longer when we get together where I don't drink at all which is unheard of for me for a very very long time. I still struggle with a lot of things but I can confidently say I wouldn't be here without her. I'm a lurker and rarely post anything but she's important enough to me I wanted to tell you all about her :) Thank you for that opportunity!