Coolbeanschilly @ Coolbeanschilly Posts 0Comments 37Joined 5 days ago
We're not talking about Palestine currently. Unless you're purposefully trying to derail the conversation in order to blunt opposition to ORAGNE and his South African chimp.
Incidentally, what do you think of ORAGNE policy on Gaza?
They need to release one new song, it would be appropriate. Don't let the fascists win.
This is the real poison.
Canada also needs to encourage interprovincial trade, and continue the diversification of trade partners besides our neighbours to the South.
That's the joke.
They are the ones who have the most ability to hold ORAGNE accountable. Keep the pressure on your Democrat representatives to DO THEIR FUCKING JOB! Signed, a concerned Canadian.
Walk softly, and carry a big stick. You have the Declaration of Independence and the Boston Tea Party to guide any future actions you take to stop your current fascist leader. DO SOMETHING. You're fucking up my country too.
I wonder how much milk Bob went out to buy?
They need to be chokeslammed to the wall at every turn. Otherwise they win.
Who said I wasn't paying attention? Who said the speed of time was defined by the span of one human life?
It is quick in terms of the lives of nations. I say quick in terms of a perspective of decades vs. centuries.
Either your username is meta, or you need the Billy Goats Gruff to bring some clarity to your life under the bridge.
When you become as reactionary as your opponents, then you're no better than them. Thank you for not being like this.
How is it a misinterpretation? Have you ever heard of punctuated equilibrium? I'm viewing it as a form of this. Please elaborate as to why you see my view as wrong.