They're a tiny minority within the GOP, and I hate their actions as much as you do.
Black people had already switched over to the Democrats in the 1940s well before the Civil Rights Act happened. The "Big Switch" in the 1960s was North vs South, not White vs Black.
Nope, I don't support racist organizations. Although your pal Joe Biden was good friends with one of them.
A liberal calling Republicans nazis? 😮
Or maybe you're the one coping because deep down you know if everyone stopped licking the boots of Democrats and Republicans, America wouldn't be in such a dangerous place.
Except you could pull the 3rd party lever that kills no one, but because that lever dOeSnT hAvE a rEaLiStiC cHaNcE, you'd still pull the lever that killed a person.
If you vote for the lesser of two evils, you deserve to get the greater evil.
No thanks
I think the better question to ask is whether the content of what He was saying is correct.
The tolerant left is on full display in the comments XD
If it were the same title except with "Trump's RNC speech" at the end, it would have 4567898765456789 upvotes
Yeah sorry about the typo. Unfortunately for you that doesn't refute my argument
Chickens for KFC
YES, PREACH! The only difference between Trump and Hitler is that Trump is MUCH WORSE!