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When you don't trust Facebook because of THEM, your car is your Facebook.
  • It's like someone watched Iron Skies 1 and 2 and mistook them for documentaries. I keep waiting for them to praise Hitler riding a T-Rex.

  • Give sovcit a car.
  • Yes, go to the bank and ask a teller for access to your trust fund. Now all we need to do is wait for the inevitable follow-up post on how banks are denying their rights and other unhinged insanity.

  • What the heck is wrong with my succulent?
  • I have a graptoveria that produces air roots constantly, mostly because despite having a perfectly good pot and light source, it does its utmost to grow outside of the pot. Every year I have to chop and prop it to save it from itself.

  • Streeeeetched out!
  • Hope no one needs to use the stairs- this looks like an ankle attack zone.

  • ‘Worrying lack of moderation’: how eating disorder posts proliferate on X
  • I remember when 'thinspiration' websites were common in late 90's/early 2000's. It was a toxic cesspool of pro-ana pictures and forums.

  • Miez took quite some trust leaps since she is allowed in the garden
  • I'm sure a nice pot of cat grass or cat nip will entice her into her new garden space.

  • Miez took quite some trust leaps since she is allowed in the garden
  • Such a sweet kitty- she's lucky to have an awesome cat parent like you.

  • talk to me box
  • To sits or not to sits. What a conundrum.

  • A baby in Gaza has a strain of polio linked to mistakes in eradication campaign, experts say
  • Polio has not been eradicated world wide. Afghanistan has the highest rates of polio in the world.

  • Can Cats Solve Puzzles?
  • Is he orange by chance?

  • Removed Deleted
    No wonder I hate religions
  • Isn't that what Chick-fil-A does, push religion while selling fried chicken? For that reason I will never give them my money.

  • The Taliban publish vice laws that ban women’s voices and bare faces in public
  • Don't forget the copious amounts of opium that were grown, harvested and sold.

  • Sovcit put the sheriff on notice.
  • Which error is more egregious, "Comercial" or "Unitited States"? At least the writing is legible, so credit where it's due.

    Perhaps there's magic in the bathroom, bed, bike, cloths and food that somehow equal a value of $50,000? It's unclear what these have to do with the towed vehicle, unless it was a motorhome.

  • Shein sues Temu over copyright infringement, trade secret theft
  • It's okay when they do it, but when it's done to them, it's bad.

  • clearly doesn't fit
  • I sits but I don't fits. Does not compute.

  • Sovcit is having a devil of a time.
  • Like most cult members, they dig in deeper and fall further down the conspiracy rabbit hole. Think deranged having a stroke posts that show up on this community regularly.

  • My choochky enjoying a towel :]
  • I love that the dog and cat have the same colours.

  • The Case For A Fare-Free BC
  • You clearly have not experienced the service of BC transit, the company that manages the rest of the province. If you like buses that barely run on Sundays, often don't show up, and routes that seem haphazard, BC Transit is for you.

  • Baby talk (August 2, 1916)
  • Some hats even had full (dead) birds on them. It was a short lived trend as many people objected to it.

  • New cat on the block is a photogenic boi


    Saw this guy chilling on my deck railing, and as soon as the camera came out, he struck this pose.

    InsanePeopleFacebook Canadian_anarchist
    Meet Canada's Sovcit/QAnon "Queen of Canada" The rise of Romana Didulo, self described 'Queen of Canada', and what she's up to now

    W5 visited Richmound, Sask., to learn more about the self-described 'Queen of Canada,' who controversially moved to the rural village with her followers last year.

    The rise of Romana Didulo, self described 'Queen of Canada', and what she's up to now

    Not a social media post, so hopefully this is permitted. Canada is also home to sovcits, and this person is outright insane.

    I also find it ironic that a sovcit wants a monarchy.

    Made a new friend while on a walk


    This floofy boi befriended me while on a walk around my strata. He's friendly and wants all the pets and scratches.

    Lithops at all 4 stages

    My lithops have been in various stages of splitting for the past few months. They have decided to show the process all in one pot! The potting medium is perlite.


    My special aoenium

    I saved this plant from my office 6 months ago because it had nearly no leaves, and now she's green and growing in a unique way. If this is what healthy looks like, it's all good with me.

    Canadian_anarchist Canadian_anarchist
    Posts 5
    Comments 95