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When the lib says Putler ordered Hamas
  • Too true, coincidentally in October 6th I passed one of my university's exams.

    Obviously Putin was involved in this, I also saw a video of Hamas specifically congratulating me on passing my exam. It's probably because I'm so instrumental to the role of bringing the western hemisphere to collapse.

  • Argentinean Election Summed Up
  • Colombia, Peru, Brazil and Argentina all went through this.

    What's with latin america and it's relation with extreme alt-right parties? You'd think a continent so ravaged by capitalism & imperialism they would opt for left-wing parties?

  • Only 14% of US voters say Joe Biden has made them better off
  • Don't worry guys, we just need 5 more years of genocide joe Joey our friendly uncle sam, hopefully he'll listen to us instead of voting off crime bills! Or voting to send weapons to bomb & kill, Or breaking up railway strikes, or passing corporate lobbyist laws in his home state Delaware, or giving money to the MIC, or giving more subsidies to corporations, or removing all the welfare benefits after covid-19.

    You know what? This gag is unfunny, fuck joe biden supporters, you middle class shits would rather have a concentration camp in your garden rather than socialist reforms

  • The Hero We Deserve
  • Wow, another white crackkker shielding himself from the truth.

    Volodymyr Zelensky is a defender & righteous warrior of the revolution. And waged his PPW against the imperialist west by draining their coffers, full support for Zelensky and his fight against western imperialism.

  • Chicago to spend $500,000 on a subcommittee to determine how to pay reparations
  • I disagree, the new mayor actually seems willing to provide the basic apologies as reparations. It doesn't matter how much it costs as long as it is done.

    Plus his general spending plan for Chicago 2024 seems to be very decent, he's an alright guy from what I can see.

  • Absolute suburban energy.
  • I absolutely hate this term, what you thought that little fucking bubble of comfort was going to shield you from the mistakes committed by society?

    The pendulum doesn't give a shit where it swings, the era of comfort during the golden era of neoliberalism was Interim period, and it was only reserved for those belonging to certain few and select areas, I.E. White middle class

    The 90s had a huge crime wave, drug epidemic, homicides, the unravelling of worker's consciousness, mass unemployment. The 1992 LA riots, the destruction of cities like Miami, Detroit, New York, Pittsburgh and the countless cities in the Midwest, all because some greedy fuckwit bankers got the whole world as a pie to indulge in.

    I wasn't born in the 90s, and honestly? I can never live for a moment being born then, I would've been suffocated by the complete ignorance of the working class, things are bad now since that's the natural decaying state of capitalism. The thrill and rush of ignorance can only be enjoyed by a select few now, don't like it? Then fucking change it, stop crying about the past, look to future where you can be happy.

  • The US's 'inflection point', Biden's Speech has now set a Dark path for the United States and the world.
  • That was surprising to me as well. Some US think tanks have recently been posting some very odd sources. I think they know their project US is dead in the water, and are desperately trying to undo the damage they've caused by under-cutting the support for the neo-cons. Too little too late I guess.

  • The US's 'inflection point', Biden's Speech has now set a Dark path for the United States and the world.

    Biden in his usual senile war-mongering and degrading rambling, has now rubber-stamped the US's path in the future, no reconciliation, no peace, and the surge of its unrelenting imperialism are all expected.

    Articles belonging to the Atlanticist propaganda mouth piece even advised Biden and his Administration to change the disastrous policies before it is too late.

    Like here



    And Here (You get the picture)

    High ranking diplomats have already sounded the alarms that the global south has permanently closed bridges to the west, that's now completely certain.

    The US has chosen that path 'to the exterme' or bis zum Äußersten, a very popular Nazi slogan which justified the continuation of its already lost war. Biden has now signed this off. The US will lose, it cannot fight the entire world, no matter how exceptional you are, or historical. You Will Lose.

    Biden's speech, like his presidency, is unpopular, already the dislikes outmatch the likes, the support for israel is not popular at all, and Biden's authoritative push for funding and censoring has already put people into radicalisation. Good, people see the naked fascism which presides within it's institutions, and the rampant looting internally/externally of colonized peoples is more transparent than ever.



    What does this all mean however? The face of the United States, the president, an unapologetic, dictatorial, war-mongering, depraved, sociopathic, lying, manipulative, hypocritical and genocidal, has now broken down the rules-based-order which preluded the decades prior. The mask is off.

    The United States has signalled its terminal decline, and Biden's speech has facilitated that decline even further. Without a doubt, Biden is the most unpopular president of our lifetime (If not History), the 2024 election will be the most interesting point in our lifetime, to my comrades in fascist core of the United States, Be prepared. The US has shown its fascism externally, they will show it internally to all of you.

    Between George Bush's "New World Order" and Biden's "Inflection Point" historians will now have a concrete timeline of the imperial hegemony, it ended today at 20/10/2023

  • These protests were funded by agricultural corporations to fight government environmental regulations, these hogs can really go fuck themselves for all I care.

    Most western european farmers are bourgeois traitors who would gladly sell their country out to blackrock if it meant they got a few hundred quid in their bank.

  • Reports coming from the Biden Bunker..... Yup, he's lost it.

    Article Link

    Biden really re-enacting downfall isn't he? Think like a nazi, die like a nazi.

    [CW: Death, Dying, thoughts about suicide] How do you deal with being mortal?
  • Death doesn't much concern me, I sometimes ponder it but never really have crippling anxiety over. Unfortunately that's been replaced by another anxiety. The fear that no matter what the proletariat do, the ruling class will simply win next time again. I fear that all the great progress we've made in these last years will be tarnished in a cruel replication of the 1980s collapse of the left-wing movements. But I know this will not happen, we will learn, we will evolve, and we will prepare, and we will finally be liberated.

    If I die for a good and just cause such as building up the revolution to free the misery of others, then I'll be content with it. But it if was for naught, well I would continue to live to spite the ruling parasites, but I would see humanity refusing to evolve past its current stage of development, this is what I greatly fear.

    As if right now I'm playing through disco Elysium, and one of the paths is Harry becoming a communist. He abandons alcohol, and takes up organizing, but in truth he simply replaced an addiction for substances, for an addiction to liberation. That's how I operate within this capitalist inhumane system, replace your rage, anxiety and aspirations for the liberation of this evil system.

    You are a comrade, You see the true injustices of this system, it isolates and oppresses those who do not fall under its drunk inducing propaganda. And to lose someone like you, we will all lose the potential successes of your talent in our collective liberation, contact your local socialist organisation, be it the CPUSA or similar, and begin organising, and in the future, look back and be proud of the millions you helped in achieving our struggle.

    This is only coming from me, as I found that my passion belonged to the communist movement. If this does not work do not worry! It just means you've yet to find your passion. You're never too old to find talent, or meaning, never, we humans change throughout our lives. We will all fix our problems collectively.

  • Blood and skulls are gathered for capital at the first opportunity
  • You can keep guessing then, even though we make it very obvious who we actually support (hint: It's commonly countries which liberate the working class for the world).

    I don't expect you to get it straight away, reading is very hard for liberals. All I can say is, the community description gives off a clue, "We are Marxists-Leninists." I suggest you look this up to find out more about us :)

  • Deleted
    *Permanently Deleted*
  • Egypt has been comprised since Anwar Sadat made peace with israel in the yon kippur war. Every Egyptian despot has kow-towed to american and zionist interest, they're paid to look away, 4-5 billion annual bribe money annually.

    Russia isn't the soviet union unfortunately. Capitalist interests are always profit before people, the russians want to be on the israeli goodside, Plus russia has had either neutral, or cordial relations with israel under president Putin. And russia isn't fully committed to fighting imperialism unlike the USSR. I don't expect them to do much.

    Iran and hezbollah I'm surprised about, I thought they would at least try to do something, but as for now they've stated they won't help Gaza.

  • Blinken faces reality on the fate of western hegemony

    Western governments face the cold reality of its own hubris, can the liberals accept their myth of western superiority as delusional?

    How influential are the triads? Has their power been reduced due to a more prosperous china?

    I've tried finding anything relating to a supposed decline of triad activities in China (and especially Hong Kong) but nothing ever seems to come up, either it some Hollywood glorifying video on the triads, or it speaks about their past.

    I just want to know their present, rather than their past.

    Estonian MP: A company partly owned by Kaja Kallas’ husband delivered sanctioned goods to Russia, and faces resignation over this controversy. Estonian MP: A company partly owned by Kaja Kallas’ husband delivered sanctioned goods to Russia

    Urmas Reinsalu, the chairman of the centre-right Isamaa party, currently in the opposition, wrote on social media that the Estonian prime minister, Kaja Kallas, didn’t have another option than to immediately resign, in the wake of the revelations that a company partly owned by her husband had contin...

    Estonian MP: A company partly owned by Kaja Kallas’ husband delivered sanctioned goods to Russia

    Would you look at that, the fascist, russophobic, war-mongering "NAFO are our allies" kaja kallas has been found to actually crave money like a jackal. RIP bozo don't let the door hit you on the way back.

    Germany’s secret service cracks down on left-wing activists and civil proponents of the regime. Germany’s secret service intensifies persecution of war opponents and warns against “Trotskyism”

    The latest “Constitutional Protection Report” published by the <em>Verfassungsschutz</em> (Germany’s domestic intelligence service) at the end of June aims to silence anyone who criticises the mass death being organised by the NATO powers, calls social inequality by its name, and rejects the governm...

    Germany’s secret service intensifies persecution of war opponents and warns against “Trotskyism”

    I remember decades ago germany was taught to be a bastion of what a free democratic society should be. I wonder if people still believe this lie now.

    Poland continues its free democracy by banning politicians tied to the Polish People's Republic Poland Begins Screening Thousands Of Officials For Communist Ties - UrduPoint

    Poland has published a law on the screening of state officials to determine whether they used to collaborate with Polish Peoples Republic security services between 1944 and 1990.The lustration law, which appeared in the Polish governments Legal Gazette, provides, among other things, for banning pe ....

    Poland Begins Screening Thousands Of Officials For Communist Ties - UrduPoint
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