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Elon Musk fash posting this morning. I’m sure this tweet having exactly 14 words is just a coincidence. 🙃
  • ahahaha! you failed to notice my clever rouse! i have made you le soyjack! triggered much?? it’s just a joke bruh


  • Elon Musk fash posting this morning. I’m sure this tweet having exactly 14 words is just a coincidence. 🙃
  • smuglord it’s almost like by fighting evil you become just as bad as evil itself. i am a serious person who can definitely wipe their own ass.

  • Elon Musk fash posting this morning. I’m sure this tweet having exactly 14 words is just a coincidence. 🙃
  • if Soros isn’t paying us to be trans, then who the fuck keeps mailing me all these sorobucks and estradiol??

  • Elon Musk fash posting this morning. I’m sure this tweet having exactly 14 words is just a coincidence. 🙃
  • i am deeply unsurprised the son of south african apartheidists turned out fascist.

  • Elon Musk fash posting this morning. I’m sure this tweet having exactly 14 words is just a coincidence. 🙃
  • it’s disgusting seeing nazism become more “normalized” over the last couple years. fash need to be afraid again.

    no-fash an-tifa

  • Remember me comrades!
  • oh my god it is the same classist guy

  • Remember me comrades!
  • wait is this the same dude lol

  • Remember me comrades!
  • lmao after looking at the comments this is great bait


  • Remember me comrades!
  • this is fine marxists can handle a little roasting as a treat (ima marxist)

    edite: lmao hexbear even has an emoji of this

    purge-1 purge-2

  • this was my favorite big bingus episode, what was yours?

    should probably also involve one of the many other billionaires that have been executed on the show.

    also applies if you’re employed by a defense contractor

    like, say, for instance, Lockheed Martin (just a cartoonishly easy example, chosen at random)

    if you did the work before realizing it was evil, that’s one thing, but doing the work once you know better?


    “no ethical consumption” doesn’t mean you can murder kids, you goddamn psychopath
