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xkcd #2990: Late Cenozoic
  • You’re getting awfully close to sounding like the psychos who say that all fossils are invented or placed on earth by the devil to confuse humanity about the age of the earth.

    Most mounted dinosaur skeletons contain real fossils. Many museums have diagrams showing which are real and which are recreations of fossils that were missing or too damaged to mount for each specimen.

    Paleontologists can determine what the missing fossils looked like based on other specimens and looking at what they have in context of other similar species that have more complete skeletons.

  • Preference
  • For people looking for a reason for large bottles other than less frequent purchases. Large bottles with many pills produces less waste than the same number of pills in multiple containers.

  • Former Ronald Reagan staffers endorse Kamala Harris for president
  • You are talking about long term consequences. Like capitalists who only look to the current quarter’s profits, politicians only look to the current election.

    A smaller voter base is easier to appeal to. Both parties have relatively small voter bases and no competition because of the first past the post system and the electoral college.

  • ISPs tell Supreme Court they don’t want to disconnect users accused of piracy
  • Personally I think AI training is free use. I also think AI is a fad and generally used as a way to scam people.

    However, artists complain about AI because it pulls from their business (in theory.) Artists generally don’t complain about piracy by the end user because the artist is usually still credited in someway (signature watermark etc.) and piracy doesn’t generally stop other people from paying for their art. AI in theory steals their jobs.

    The main people who complain about traditional piracy are the executives of companies that purchased copyright on artist’s works through contracts that do not favor the artists.

  • Former Ronald Reagan staffers endorse Kamala Harris for president
  • The issue with appealing to the left is how fractured it is. Various factions will say whatever policies are presented are not left enough, and still refuse to vote. It’s hard to predict from the campaign’s perspective. Whereas they are unlikely to lose votes from obtaining the support of conservatives while possibly pulling votes from the other side.

  • Former Ronald Reagan staffers endorse Kamala Harris for president
  • Taking one vote from another candidate is worth two votes from someone who is not voting, or who is voting for a non-viable third party.

    I know plenty of people who wanted to vote for Kennedy but will probably vote for Trump now that he’s out. This group is likely to listen to former Reagan staffers and republican presidents that they liked.

  • Former Ronald Reagan staffers endorse Kamala Harris for president
  • The American left and right have always agreed on the role of the individual voter in the government, and the role of the government generally. They only vary on who they think should be allowed to have rights, and the rights they should have. They generally agree on economics, business, the police, and the military industrial complex. Each of which contribute to the general oppression of the non-rich citizens.

  • Mexico will amend its constitution this weekend to require all judges to be elected
  • My point is precisely that the US Supreme Court is embroiled in politics. The notion that being appointed somehow insulates the justices from politics is absurd.

    Elections at least create some semblance of accountability to the voters.

  • Mexico will amend its constitution this weekend to require all judges to be elected
  • Elected Judges still get their jobs done. They have clerks who do a lot of their drafting and grunt work in the office.

    For large elections, there are staffers and volunteers who do a lot of the electioneering. For small elections, campaign events only occur on weekends and at other times when court is not in session.

  • Mexico will amend its constitution this weekend to require all judges to be elected
  • US Supreme Court Justices are not elected. They make a lot of political decisions beyond just upholding the status quo. There are a lot of US states that have judicial elections and they don’t have major crises because of it.

  • InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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