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what's something you're into that you don't want anyone you know irl to know about?
  • None of my family members know what a furry is and i'm keeping it that way.

  • femboy_irl
  • i want a turn in a femboy sounds good

  • this fucking guy (art by me)
  • i would have never thought of this in 1000 years lol

  • Furry BOLOID
    this fucking guy (art by me)

    I'm on every social media known to man:

    ginger bunny (by me)

    I'm on all or most socials that you can think of

    La francofourrure BOLOID
    Liste de contacts Telegram, furmeets, conventions, associations furry en France Les réseaux sociaux du furry fandom francophone

    Trouvez les réseaux sociaux populaires du furry fandom francophone !

    Les réseaux sociaux du furry fandom francophone

    Il vous faut rien de plus!

    La francofourrure BOLOID
    Liste d'assos, événements, furbar, furmeet, etc en France Listes Krymson

    Retrouvez ici les listes des serveurs et associations en rapport avec le fandom furry français !

    Listes Krymson

    Incroyable carnet d'adresses!

    I keep salt and sugar in identical bottles. A mistake was bound to happen, and it just did.
  • You don't understand, this batter was a lot saltier than the batter you're thinking of

  • Is this another error with the upload service, or is video uploading disabled?

    {"data":{"msg":"Too many frames","files":null},"state":"success"}

    I tried uplading short clips at 30 and 25fps. The image above uploaded just fine so i don't know what to make of it.

    Thank you for everything you do!

    I keep salt and sugar in identical bottles. A mistake was bound to happen, and it just did.
  • Tons, and cinnamon, flour, and a little bit of salt. I find that the bread dilutes the flavor, so i overload the batter to compensate.

    I don't like bland french toast

  • I keep salt and sugar in identical bottles. A mistake was bound to happen, and it just did.
  • First thing i did, while my mouth was still salty from the first bite, is go get my sharpie.

    Never again

  • What hobby do you have that no one else in your family shares?
  • There's a 1% chance that the weird cousin who never comes to family gatherings might be a furry. That's absolutely it.

    The idea of having hobbies in common with family members seems alien to me - which i think, to quote the meme phrase, Says A Lot About Society.

  • Same name troubles
  • I did find a KazuK9 on Twitter, but i scrolled really far down their media tab and didn't see the tweet in this screenshot. Either they deleted it or it's an older meme. I did see a lot of furry femboy paws though.

    Searching Faruk Kazuk with no other indication returned a lot of turkish-looking men.

  • bordercollie_irl
  • This man needs to discover furries. Being walked on all fours is pretty weird even for furries, but he would definitely have some sympathy and less judgement than with normies.

  • La francofourrure BOLOID
    Kabame tente le plongeon KabameTheHusky - [FURRY-FR+18] Objectif > rush diamant > nether > ender dragon avec les bébêtes ! Plus que 4h de live et 4h additionnelle possible ! <3

    Watch KabameTheHusky's clip titled "[FURRY-FR+18] Objectif > rush diamant > nether > ender dragon avec les bébêtes ! Plus que 4h de live et 4h additionnelle possible ! <3"

    La francofourrure BOLOID
    Jeux Vidéos FURRY (Goopia)
    La francofourrure BOLOID
    L'ICEBERG FURRY (1/3) (Adiale)
    La francofourrure BOLOID
    Liste Twitter de fourrus

    J'ai fait cette liste, j'aime pas trop le concept parce que ca fait pas grand chose a part agréger les tweets des membres. Mais enfin je pose ca la
