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[osmand] Current altitude is off

I am using a fresh osmand install, and now I have this widget on the right showing the wrong altitude. Always about 50m too high. The bottom widget shows the correct altitude however, that is kinda weird. I have updated the app now, but same thing.

Using f-droid latest version, but this happened also with the one I had before (4.85). I am also using brouter plugin for navigation, maybe the correct altitude comes from there idk. The wrong one is also displayed when in the default profile with no brouter involved.

Anybody else seeing this phenomenon?

Oh and the "centre map" altitude doesn't seem to be working at all, but I don't need that anyway.

Coffee Time
  • Nice, this is a stove that uses these slim butane canisters, right? I buy these canisters to refill my screw mount ones, they cost like a fifth at the Indian supermarket. Works fine if not freezing.

  • Coffee Time
  • Haha. Heineken was the only cold beer they had yesterday at the supermarket, otherwise would be about my last choice.


    Found the French! :)

    edit: that got me thinking. Heineken is probably paying intermarché for that to be the case, bastards, I will choose a warm beer next time.

  • Coffee Time

    In Diois, France. So nice to wake up with the birds next to me again.

    How do you cook your coffee when camping?

    The Bird Photographer of the Year award has been announced
  • That picture of the warbler from the 14 year old is nuts. I thought he must have wanted to take a shot of the trees and this happened by chance. But i have seen that he has already won some photo competition in 2020 (when he was ten!?) with a shot of a bird. How can you plan this? The position of the warbler in the patch of sky. He must have been super close too, or used a remote trigger.

    edit: Really great photos all around.

  • What do you block people for?
  • I only block one user, because they brought their political topic to unrelated communities, and declared to continue to do so.

    Just did not want to keep reading it. The person only has this one topic too, I am not missing out.

  • A Thoughtful Trucker Tries to Design a Safer Bike Light - Core77
  • Insufficient or no bike lights are no main reason for crashes with bicycles. More than 80% of crashes happen in full daylight, about 10% of people ride with insufficient or no lights, that makes max 2% of crashes that happen due to insufficient lights, that is if the reason in these 2% was actually the insufficient lights and not something else. Numbers for Germany.

    Maybe it's a nice light for some people, but I doubt this would have a significant effect on actual safety.

  • Starting guide needs update

    The link to is dead and should be updated to

    Personally i think it would even make sense to link this from the main site sidebar. Not because it is a problem finding communities on other instances from within world, at least this should be the best instance to be able to, but as a function of being a "role model" for other instances.

    Blue tit in the rain

    I had posted this photo a while ago in the birding community, thought it would fit in well here too. The robin in the rain made me think of it 😁

    Unstickied post in c/ still stickied on world

    Apparently the unsticking of this post in the ! community did not federate and should be unstickied on world's end.

    [Pigeons] Flight school

    > Papa and the kids, four days ago, the first day they left the balcony

    I thought they'd be gone by last weekend, but flight school apparently takes some time. Was awesome seeing their first excursions off of the balcony and onto the roof gutter. I was so happy to be there for it. And i have a video of them returning from their first little flight, haha. The older one seems now to go flying with papa, the smaller one - i think - with mama, at least they showed up together yesterday. The younger one still sleeps on my balcony. It has been alone there for the last two nights, first evening alone it seemed a bit worried. Maybe today it will find somewhere else to sleep, i think it may be two days younger than the other one.

    This weekend i'll clean up the mess and barricade their nest spot so they don't keep breeding here. It was nice to have them but i kinda want the balcony back for myself, i was minimizing my balcony time so they could do their pigeon stuff in peace. Really caring parents, very nice to see.

    [Pigeons] Mama and Papa

    and their little stinkybums.


    Today one of the lil' stinkybums flew onto a flower pot. They'll be flying out into the dangerous world in a few days. Yesterday evening, opposite side of the garden, a kestrel caught a bird. Don't know what bird it was who had a nest under the roof gutter, the swifts are already on their way to Africa.

    Fluffy Pigeon

    This is my favorite pigeon of the goofy balcony crew. She moves very funny, and often times she fluffs up her head feathers which i find super cute, like in the picture, but the other feathers aren't fluffed up.

    She and her lover came by with their baby, but i try to have a heart of stone and not feed them to not disturb the breeding couple on my balcony. Her lover is also very funny.

    Not sure how you all feel about pigeon content in here. I love pigeons.

    Weird Infra Quiz

    This is a photo from two years ago, i stood there for a good minute wondering how the hell and why this weird cycle path was there. It is in southern France, on the climb to Col d'Ecre, bit north of Nice.

    Take a guess, i finally fully understand.

    Feral Pigeons breeding on my balcony

    They are really well hidden and silent, didn't even realize for two days after i came back from my holidays. I already knew this pigeon couple from before my holidays (was gone for two months), they are like the regulars in my garden.

    This is the father sitting on the eggs. BTW I had made this mess deliberately to keep pigeons from trying to breed there, it seemed to work while i was at home i guess. Hope when the little ones hatch they won't fall into any gaps there.

    I tried to call the local bird help, if maybe they would swap the eggs for fake ones, but i could not reach anybody, they have too much to do this time of the year and i reckon pigeons breeding on a balcony ain't no emergency either.

    Custom tag for community?

    Is it maybe planned to be able to set a custom tag for a community instead of one pulled from the url? I reckon there are many communities where this would make more sense.

    Like the community i am moderating is c/bicycle_touring, but i think #biketouring and #bikepacking are the hashtags that are being used on mastodon for this stuff.

    Both sides

    Just outside of Pontarlier, France

    Looking over to Switzerland from France

    In the Jura. Last wild camp of the trip, need to take a shower before i get on the train :)

    Provence Kitsch

    Lavendre, Mont Ventoux, Soleil.

    I love it.

    Making a joke reality

    When i went onto my first solo cycle trip some years ago (from germany to marseille, france), my coworkers joked that i should ride mont ventoux. I had no idea what mont ventoux was, but read it up. On that trip i happened to cycle around this mythical mountain, looked awesome, but i never seriously considered going up ever.

    On two more cycle trips i cycled around mont ventoux on different routes, and it always looked just so cool from afar. This trip i wanted to hit mont ventoux, but i got sick basically on the western foot of it. I rode in recovery mode east past it, through the valley, looked awesome again. I then continued towards the high alps but eventually decided to turn around because of the weather forecast, back south into the prealps of provence.

    And today i actually got to ride it. I rode it from Sault, because that's where i was coming from, which i guess is not what the OG's do or consider "riding mont ventoux", but cycle tourers are aloud to do that, haha.

    Lots of roadies going up there. And it lived up to its name, it was real windy. In the morning at the bottom of the climb one roadie told me that it might be too dangerous to ride to the summit today but thankfully the wind chilled out a bit as i was going up, and also the cloud that had covered the top went away.

    Picture is bit below the top on the descend to Malaucene. That glider plane was going nuts, that stuff looks absolutely crazy.

    Love seeing these signs #2

    The one where it says "terre de cyclistes". Pretty cool slogan, metropole nice cote d'azur.

    Gorges du Verdon, France

    Get all dizzy standing at these cliffs.

    InitialsDiceBear„Initials” ( by „DiceBear”, licensed under „CC0 1.0” (
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