Beef produces 85 kg CO2e per kg of food. Tofu produces 2.9 kg CO2e per kg of food. 1 18
Less people, less problems. Walk around Bandung Indonesia and I'll show you 10 people polluting to your 1 American. Good luck.
Linux continues to be above 4% on the desktop 124 0
The games I play work just fine under Linux. I'm EXTREMELY thankful for every single person that has contributed to Linux or the apps they can use.
If I wasn't such a monkey I'd help any way I could.
Yeah these people are so hypocritical 1 0
You must know a lot of people in that faith then? Whatever faith that OP is mentioning. Otherwise to say ALL of that specific faith are bad would be a logical fallacy.
Yeah these people are so hypocritical 1 6
So, ALL people of that faith think that way or just some? I just want to make sure I read OPs pic correctly.
Please, for the love of God, VOTE! 3 0
Because of how you're acting guess which way my vote is going?
Please, for the love of God, VOTE! 3 0
Becareful, you're throwing stones in a glass house. (edit for spelling)
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