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Inverting GUI Colors in Ren'Py by SpiralAtlas


Rząd zajmuje się sobą nawzajem. Tymczasem aborcjonistki ⬇️


#Ramadan is here so many shops putting items for #Muslims on display here in #France, and the first thing I saw entering #French grocery chain #Auchan was these products proudly shown they are from


Semen Quality Linked to Longer Lifespan in Men


hey #obsidianMD and !

  • @meldrik It's not just me is it? Which should web you browser use?


  • science

    Arab Pangenome's Role in Advancing Precision Medicine

  • For anyone wondering what "TDS" means:

    Trump derangement syndrome (TDS) is a pejorative term, used to describe criticism of or negative reactions to President Donald Trump that are perceived to be irrational and to have little regard for Trump's actual policy positions.[1] The term has mainly been used by Trump supporters to discredit criticism of him, as a way of reframing the discussion by suggesting that his opponents are incapable of accurately perceiving the world.[2][3] Some journalists have used the term to call for restraint when judging Trump's statements and actions.[4][5][6]

    Despite the usage of the term syndrome suggesting a medical condition, TDS is not an official medical diagnosis.[7] A 2021 research study found no evidence to support the existence of TDS among Trump detractors on the left, but instead found bias among his supporters.[8

    Source: Wiki

  • science

    Brown Fat's Role in Enhancing Aging and Fitness

    Chemin de fer, trains, univers ferroviaire

    Alstom Belgium déçue par le choix de la SNCB

    Meta Quest Store discounts

    Racket: Nx discount



    Open Source

    An example analysis of a #learning process with #LabPlot dev (P-chart).


    Fantasy Visual Novel In Ashes releases Alpha Demo

    Bloomington Indiana

    Bloomington 7-Line to be ruined by stop signs




    Watch No Other Land | Stream free on Channel 4

    United States | News & Politics

    Channel 5 - Tesla protest


    Nanoscale Material Boosts Cancer Detection in Surgery


    'No Other Land' Oscars Speech Calls for Stop of 'Ethnic Cleansing' in Gaza (Variety, 2025-03-02)

    The Climate Crisis

    "This isn’t really about BP: it’s about capitalism at large, and its inability to respond to the climate crisis in the manner we need."

  • @FirstCircle Wait, and it's not douchecanoe?

    USPol #politics

  • During the Russo-Ukrainian War,[3] Russia has forcibly transferred almost 20 thousand Ukrainian children to areas under its control, assigned them Russian citizenship, forcibly adopted them into Russian families, and created obstacles for their reunification with their parents and homeland.[7][8]The United Nations has stated that these deportations constitute war crimes.[8][9] The International Criminal Court (ICC) has issued arrest warrants for President of Russia Vladimir Putin[10](who has explicitly supported the forced adoptions, including by enacting legislation to facilitate them)[1]and Children's Rights Commissioner Maria Lvova-Belova for their alleged involvement.[10] According to international law, including the 1948 Genocide Convention, such acts constitute genocide if done with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a nation or ethnic group.[11][a]

    Link to full article

  • @TeutonenThrasher

    "[#DieLínke] steuert mit dem Anspruch auf den #Bürgermeisterposten auf die nächste #Abgeordnetenhauswahl zu."

    Schade, daß #ElkeBreitenbach und #KlausLederer ausgetreten sind. Denen hätte ich den Job zugetraut. Beim aktuellen Personal muß ich mich erstmal umgucken…

    Jedenfalls gibt es gute Chancen, daß @dielinke die/den nächsteʔn Regierendeʔn stellt. Das macht Hoffnung für #Berlin!


  • @TeutonenThrasher

    NeueWestfälische macht #Karneval!

    Abgesehen mal davon daß ich #Bielefeld um #Bikelanes beneide (in meinem Dorf haben wir nur #Fahrradwege) — ist das #fakenews oder ist es #Schundpresse?

    Eine angebliche Radfahrerin beschwert sich über eine asphaltierte, "überdimensionierte" "Bikelane" (die zum legalen, sicheren Überholen zu schmal ist!) und behauptet einen fahhradlenkerbreiten Holper-#Hochbordradweg zu bevorzugen, an dem Zufußgehende kaum vorbeikommen?


  • From wikipedia

    Rutte has repeatedly urged sending more weapons to Ukraine.[96][97] He said that any future peace talks with Russia should be led by Ukraine from a position of strength.[98]

    So here's some fact check: this whole thing started with an unserious demand by orange leader for 500bn payment for what a previous president already did - and Ukraine never received anywhere near 500bn in aid from the previous president. Is this the art of the deal? Idiot.

    I saw the president of the US openly and firmly coming out on the side of russia and north korea. In this conflict, russia and north korea are the bad guys. Somehow it's on Zelensky to "repair the relationship" with the US? Must be backwards day.

  • Edit: I suggest using obtainium so that if the app gets any new releases or updates you can easily get notifications and manage that. I also originally submitted a bad json code snippet which I have corrected and tested.

    After deleting googles safetycore, do the following to ensure Google doesn't reinstall it.

    1. install the latest release of Obtainium
    1. Via Obtainium, install Safetycore-placeholder

    it might take some messing with Obtainiums settings to ensure that the latest version of the saftycore placeholder is installed so here is an export of my settings just for this app. Just copy the text and save it as a json to import the settings.

    {"apps":[{"id":"","url":"","author":"daboynb","name":"","installedVersion":"v3.0","latestVersion":"v3.0","apkUrls":"[[\"Safetycore-placeholder.apk\",\""]]","otherAssetUrls":"[[\"v3.0.tar.gz\",\""],[\"\",\""]]","preferredApkIndex":0,"additionalSettings":"{\"includePrereleases\":false,\"fallbackToOlderReleases\":false,\"filterReleaseTitlesByRegEx\":\"\",\"filterReleaseNotesByRegEx\":\"\",\"verifyLatestTag\":true,\"dontSortReleasesList\":false,\"useLatestAssetDateAsReleaseDate\":true,\"releaseTitleAsVersion\":true,\"trackOnly\":false,\"versionExtractionRegEx\":\"\",\"matchGroupToUse\":\"\",\"versionDetection\":false,\"releaseDateAsVersion\":false,\"useVersionCodeAsOSVersion\":true,\"apkFilterRegEx\":\"\",\"invertAPKFilter\":false,\"autoApkFilterByArch\":true,\"appName\":\"\",\"appAuthor\":\"\",\"shizukuPretendToBeGooglePlay\":false,\"allowInsecure\":false,\"exemptFromBackgroundUpdates\":false,\"skipUpdateNotifications\":false,\"about\":\"\",\"refreshBeforeDownload\":true}","lastUpdateCheck":1740803687541492,"pinned":false,"categories":[],"releaseDate":1740416435000000,"changeLog":"This release is signed, you need to uninstall the previuos version.","overrideSource":null,"allowIdChange":false}]}
  • @PatteBlanche @forumlibre est une intance de Lemmy. Lemmy fait partie du fediverse. Lemmy est un logiciel de type forum.

    Le compte est sur une instance Iceshrimp. Iceshrimp fait parti du fediverse. Iceshrimp est un logiciel de microbloging comme Mastodon mais en mieux.

    Le fediverse c'est un ensemble de logiciels capable de communiquer entre-eux grace au protocole activityPub

    Si tu as un compte masto tu peux poster/commenter sur peertube, pixelfed, loops, lemmy, iceshrimp, bookwyrm, mobilizon...c'est grace au protocole activityPub

    Une instance désigne un serveur qui fait tourner un meme logiciel.

    Exemple :,, sont des instances Mastodon,,, sont des instances Lemmy

    La décentralisation veut tout simplement dire que chaque serveur suit ses propres règles mais aussi que tu es capable de migrer sur un autre logiciel sans perdre tes abonnements et contact.

    Donc cela reduit grandement enshitification car le pouvoir n'est pas centralisé. Si devient un lieu invivable, tu peux partir sur une autre instance lemmy (ou mastodon mais à vérifier) ou créer ton serveur.

    Donc ya pas de cage doré.

    fediverse #activityPub #lemmy #iceshrimp #piefed #enshitifcation

  • »Gute Nachrichten für Add-ons – Mozilla bleibt bei Manifest V2-Support:
    Mozilla bekräftigt sein Engagement für Nutzerfreiheit bei #Addon's. Während #Google mit Manifest V3 viele #Adblocker einschränkt, unter­stützt #Firefox weiterhin beide Versionen. Dies ermöglicht Nutzern mehr Kontrolle über ihr #Online-Erlebnis und den #Datenschutz«

    Einen weiteren Grund um die #Firefox Clones (siehe oben) zu nutzen. Obwohl mensch die Browserplugins bewusst wählen und nutzen soll.


  • After the extremely damaging "Cambridge Five" spy scandal (Guy BurgessDonald MacleanKim PhilbyAnthony Blunt and John Cairncross), suspected homosexuality was also a common cause for being targeted by McCarthyism. The hunt for "sexual perverts", who were presumed to be subversive by nature, resulted in over 5,000 federal workers being fired, and thousands were harassed and denied employment.[88][89] Many have termed this aspect of McCarthyism the "lavender scare".[90][91]

    From the wiki on McCarthyism

  • Chiropractors are, by definition, peddlers of pseudoscience.

    D. D. Palmer founded chiropractic in the 1890s,[21] claiming that he had received it from "the other world".[22] Palmer maintained that the tenets of chiropractic were passed along to him by a doctor who had died 50 years previously.[23

  • The search engine results do not fit your narrative…

    Neo-Nazism comprises the post–World War IImilitant, social, and political movements that seek to revive and reinstate Nazi ideology. Neo-Nazis employ their ideology to promote hatred and racial supremacy (often white supremacy), to attack racial and ethnic minorities (often antisemitism and Islamophobia), and in some cases to create a fascist state.[1][2]

  • So how do we combat a DDOS on truth.

    Clearly the previous orders of “truth” were not perfect either, and it’s discontent at the elite and coverups which Musk and Trump and other neofacist populists have manipulated to fuel their attacks on the establishment’s regime of truth. Ironically they are replacing something bad with something far worse.

    How can leftists take the discontent with the current elite’s regime of truth and use it for the better ie. recruitment?