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Doktor x Benny Page - Street Lights (Official Music Video)


Israel Says It Is Blocking All Aid, Supplies From Entering Gaza | HuffPost (2025-03-02)


Erstes mikrobiell hergestelltes veganes Hundefutter auf dem deutschen Markt


To demonstrate the power of Flex Tape…


Privacy browsers comparison (potential bias)


"This week in Plasma" covers how KRunner now sees in color, the disk widget finds errors in your drives, Spectacle gets a spectacular overhaul, and much, much more!

Netzkultur / Netzpolitik

Digitalexpertin über Soziale Medien: „Was nützt den Menschen, was zaubert das Gute aus uns raus?“ - Social-Media-Plattformen haben einen schlechten Ruf. Ginge es nicht auch besser? Und wenn ja, wie?


Like many others, I’ve been looking into internet browsers lately. This guy has put together a pretty extensive comparison:


Niechciana ciąża? Bez paniki! Jest Aborcja Bez Granic.


Obiecano nam legalną aborcję, ale po niej wciąż ani śladu. Politycy nie potrafią dotrzymać słowa - zrobimy to za nich.


Coast Contra - 08 Obama (The Table)


AI-Enhanced Microfluidic Cytometry at Rice University


ROVA - Eyes On Me (Particle Remix)


Breakthroughs in Neural Regeneration Research


Real-Time Iron Detection in Plants with Nanosensor

Informatica (Italy e non Italy 😁)

#EuroStack: ultima chance per la sovranità digitale europe.


Ferritin-Based siRNA System for Glioblastoma Therapy


My #seiko #6m25 #watch is great but the seconds hand has been acting up.


ZconVI Clip Contest Announced!


Diagnostix & Kamakaze - Spin Em Out (Official Music Video)

  • I found your email address:

  • the scott alexander fanclub on reddit is especially unhinged lately. Some choice picks, beginning gently with a sneer:

    Anyone who says there is a 0% chance of a fried egg being sentient is overconfident. Nobody knows what causes consciousness. We have no way of detecting it & we can barely agree on a definition. So we should be less than 100% certain about anything to do with consciousness and fried eggs.

    moving on,

    For me, I currently believe that the way forward is gathering my Dunbar community of ~150 values-aligned people and dropping out together to live in intentional community, generally off-the-grid, interacting with technology only as a tool (no news/algorithms/push notifications), close enough to a major city to visit friends but far enough away to isolate ourselves when we want to.
    We then push forward into an unknown world, supporting each other, doing enough trade and consulting with the outside world to ensure a positive trade surplus for the collective and distributing the profits among us to sustain the community.

    Yes, that is a response to AI despair. In a "non-doomer thread". Because of course.

    but what takes the cake is the regularly scheduled IQ thread, a beautiful dumpster fire which burns especially bright on this day. Yet one specimen soars above the din:

    The average should recognize and accept their inferiority and make peace with the fact that they will live and die a mediocre life. They should stop trying to interfere in the affairs of their betters and content themselves with their own garden, which can provide enough happiness for them until the end of their life if properly cultivated.

    Further study of the user's excreta clarifies that they are:

    • sincere
    • definitely not racist

    warning: HEAVY PSYCHIC DAMAGE and I really hope the spoiler block functions correctly on your end

    (archives: one two three)


    Open letter to the Mayor and Senator for Science of the State Berlin, on the political pressure put upon the Free University of Berlin to cancel Francesca Albanese and Eyal Weizman, signed by Michael Barenboim, Christine Binzel and Hanna Kienzler.

    "... With your actions, you are contributing to the continuation of the delegitimization and defamation campaign against the UN Special Rapporteur. As early as December 2022, experts and scholars felt compelled to write a statement condemning the attacks on Ms. Albanese... At the end of last year, 50 (!) Jewish organizations signed another statement expressing their support for Ms Albanese. The delegitimization campaign you support is part of a broader campaign by the far-right Israeli government and its supporters against the UN as a whole."

    FrancescaAlbanese #MichaelBarenboim #FUBerlin

  • US government tech hellscape roundup part the third (ugh):

    1. Elon Musk jokes(?) that the government doesn't use SQL ??? (source, note that his tweet has an ableist slur). I don't even know what to think about this. Is it supposed to be funny or something? Does he actually believe it?
    2. Article: Elon Musk’s A.I.-Fuelled War on Human Agency -- People here probably already knew all this; but one of the ways the admin thinks they can fire everyone is by replacing people with AI / automating everything. Some of the social media responses from federal workers are pretty great:

      Really excited to see AI put on some waders and unclog a beaver dam from a water structure for me.

      If I've learned anything from all this it's about how unfathomably based cool a lot of federal workers are.
    3. The less fascist / cowed parts of the infosec industry are currently raising the alarm about how insecure this all is. A representative social media post from Gossi The Dog

      I definitely recommend posting about what is happening in the US on LinkedIn as you will quickly learn many of the largest security vendors are staffed by people who have no interest in protecting people, while posting with their employers names.

    4. Some federal workers have been fired via emails calling them [EmployeeFirstName].


    1. Elon Musk The US State Department plans to buy $400m worth of armored Cybertrucks from Elon Musk (nytimes) (Edit: may have been ordered under Biden's administration)
    2. dogegov has been updated. Mostly just with more useless baby's first website materials; but they promise a "comprehensive, government-wide org chart" and are hiring "software engineers, InfoSec engineers, and other technology professionals". Aside: I already found two three minor website bugs despite not really looking for them and the website being tiny. But that can't be right... they're IT professionals while I'm DEI.
    3. Find replace is so hard :( and that's why the government writes about "gay and rights" to avoid saying the... the... the forbidden t-word of which I dare not speak
    4. So about how I said dogegov gives baby's first website vibes; it's database was left world writable lol
    5. dogegov shares classified information
    6. Classic Musk "humor": a "tech support" T-shirt to allude to all of this. The dude really likes custom T-shirts (which to be fair custom t-shirts can be awesome when they're less bad)
  • Just asking questions (also known as JAQing off, or as emojis: "🤔🤔🤔"[1]) is a way of attempting to make wild accusations acceptable (and hopefully not legally actionable) by framing them as questions rather than statements. It shifts the burden of proof to one's opponent; rather than laboriously having to prove that all politicians are reptoid scum, one can pull out one single odd piece of evidence and force the opponent to explain why the evidence is wrong.

    Which one fits this definition better? The original post that takes one single odd piece of evidence in the form of Musks controversial "Nazi salute" and asks questions about whether r/conservatives would support overt Nazism and even abandons the facade and answers its own questions by saying we should rename the subreddit?

    Or my comment that is very clearly hypothetical and primarily intended to make fun of the original post (since I did not know the term "JAQing off" and I find it more fun to create a comment people either have to think about or hypocritically criticize for the thing they are doing themselves, instead of being a nerd and linking to obscure wikis about argumentation).

    You are projecting my dude 🤣

  • @pixelfed @lealternative

    Inoltre, per non favorire una dinamica "sempre sotto i riflettori", credo sarebbe interessante offrire la possibilità di avere un "profilo riservato", che non è semplicemente un profilo privato.

    Un profilo riservato consentirebbe all'utente di lasciar visitare il proprio profilo agli altri solamente su richiesta, simulando le dinamiche reali, in cui se mi guardi, vedo che lo stai facendo.

    Qualcuno ha pareri in questione?

    pixelfed #pixelfedadmin


  • According to the constitution (Article 111), the Assembly of Experts is tasked with electing (following Ayatollah Khomeini), supervising, and dismissing the Supreme Leader. In practice, the Assembly has never been known to challenge or otherwise publicly oversee any of the Supreme Leader's decisions[20] (all of its meetings and notes are strictly confidential).[21] Members of the Assembly are chosen by bodies (the Guardian Council) whose members are appointed by the Supreme Leader or appointed by an individual (Chief Justice of Iran) appointed by the Supreme Leader.

    Just elected by a Guardian council that is in turn either appointed by the supreme leader or the Chief justice who is also appointed by the supreme leader. Pretty clearly a circular relationship. Nice name calling, though.


    The name Glaxnimate is odd and the logo is a bit strange, but the application can generate 2D animations.

    KDE #Glaxnimate #glax #2D #animate #animation

  • I'm not an expert by any means, but from what I have learned so far I can see that there is some logic to how the nodes process and route the messages to avoid congestion, and there are some options that one can make (like selecting specific frequency sub-bands) to make a more private mesh run smoothly.

    I suspect that a lot of the issues that you read about are related to mis-configuration.


    • You are setting up your first meshtastic device and you want to find other people quickly, and so you of course set up your device to downlink messages from the most popular MQTT server and make use of the default settings - like hundreds of other people around the world. This overloads your device because it is downlinking MQTT messages faster than it can process them, and it can become non-responsive.
    • You purchase a node and want to contribute to your local mesh, and you are lucky enough to live in an area that already has a dense mesh network. Since you want to contribute, you set up your node and make it a "router", and use a common configuration. But your node is not actually very well positioned, and the "router" type has preference over other nodes. Your node can stop nearby stronger nodes from broadcasting. To make it worse, at some point there were problems because there was a Router Client setting (see: [Feature Request]: Admit Router Client was a mistake) many users did not understand the behavior of the router node and this lead to some meshes running into trouble. So, as the mesh grows, it becomes more likely that you will introduce nodes with sub-optimal configuration into the mesh.

    There is possibly some threshold at which a mesh really does grow so large that even if properly configured it may be problematic, but, honestly, I don't know if this has happened. In my area we are certainly not close enough to having a functional mesh, so I have not experienced these limits.


    flohmarkt is a tool to publish content in the form of a small ad / classified ad: on other fediverse services it scrolls by in the timeline. On a flohmarkt site it sticks in its place like a slip of paper containing a note on some bulletin board.

    People can offer or search for services or goods. The federation radius irl across different flohmarkts can be limited by a distance setting.

    Primary goal is to help people meet and exchange services, goods, opinions.

  • @caos @taz @tazgetroete @dach @phranck
    Habe gestern eine Testphase ohne Amazon gestartet. Man muss nur seine Bequemlichkeit überwinden.
    Ich empfinde es übrigens als Betrug, dass ich wegen der Versandkosten prime bezahle und Amazon inzwischen die Versandkosten auf die Preise schlägt.

  • The key signs of fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS) required for diagnosis include:

  • @UltraGiGaGigantic Sorry about that, not quite what is expected to happen. I understand that it has been looked into and has now been resolved.
