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United States | News & Politics

Channel 5 - Tesla protest


Nanoscale Material Boosts Cancer Detection in Surgery


'No Other Land' Oscars Speech Calls for Stop of 'Ethnic Cleansing' in Gaza (Variety, 2025-03-02)

The Climate Crisis

"This isn’t really about BP: it’s about capitalism at large, and its inability to respond to the climate crisis in the manner we need."


Serum B2B Voltage + Inja - DnB Allstars: Portugal 2024 Live From Portimão (DJ Set)


Wilkinson - Back To Life (ft. Julia Church)


Optogenetic Model Advances Limb Spasticity Research






Yuri Visual Novel Black Lily's Tale successfully crowdfunds English Localization


Yuri Visual Novel Black Lily's Tale successfully crowdfunds English Localization


Skylark - Keep On Going

The Racket Programming Language

Racket v8.16


Arp 299: Galactic Goulash

Board Games

For the first time, I played an entire game of Wingspan and never took the lay eggs action. Pileated Woodpecker was the MVP of the game.

Chemin de fer, trains, univers ferroviaire

Nouveautés du "Grenier ferroviaire"

Writing Prompts From a folder of mine labeled "Inspiration":


No-Config Python debugging using neovim


Doktor x Benny Page - Street Lights (Official Music Video)


Israel Says It Is Blocking All Aid, Supplies From Entering Gaza | HuffPost (2025-03-02)


    The Grayzone is an American news websiteand blog[6] described as fringe[12] and far-leftby numerous sources.[23] It was founded and edited by American journalist Max Blumenthal.[3] The website was initially founded as The Grayzone Project[24] and was affiliated with AlterNet until early 2018.[9]

  • Öffentlich bekannt wurde Rauscher wegen einiger umstrittener Äußerungen auf seinem privaten Twitter-Account in den Jahren 2016 und 2017. Unter anderem twitterte er im November 2017 zu einem Aufmarsch von polnischen Patrioten inklusive einem Minister, an dem auch Rechtsextreme teilnahmen, in Warschau:[6] Polen: „Ein weißes Europa brüderlicher Nationen.“ Für mich ist das ein wunderbares Ziel![7] Bereits 2016 hatte er im Zusammenhang mit der Migrationskrise getwittert: Es ist natürlich, sich zu wehren, wenn die eigene Kultur untergeht. Die ‚Angst des weißen Mannes‘ sollte wehrhaft werden![8] In einem anderen Tweet aus November 2017 schrieb er: Wir schulden den Afrikanern und Arabern nichts. Sie haben ihre Kontinente durch Korruption, Schlendrian, ungehemmte Vermehrung und Stammes- und Religionskriege zerstört und nehmen uns nun weg, was wir mit Fleiß aufgebaut haben.[8]

    wie kann ein mensch mit solchen äußerungen richter in deutschland sein?

  • Turtle you don't have to answer this if you don't feel comfortable identity and sexuality questions are highly personal and anyone asking them can be denied answers to those questions.

    And for people in these situations for real, you don't need to answer it either. You can tell that to such a person, and if they respond smugly or continue pressure you for an answer they're not a safe person.

    (Nothing wrong with your post OP, just trying to give good advice to people in similar situations).


    eggirl #knowyourrights

  • @Morpurgo op die manier heb je 1 toetsenbord met 3 talen die tegelijkertijd gecorrigeerd worden.
    @githubprojects @fdroid

    (Edit: gelijk even 2 toetsenborden (google) weggepoetst die ik toch niet meer gebruik.)


  • @Morpurgo zie instellingen layout
    Daar heb ik alleen Nederlands aangevinkt. (📸1)
    Vervolgens op Nederlands geklikt en talen toegevoegd. (📸2)

    @githubprojects @fdroid


  • Police pressure forces venue change for Francesca Albanese Berlin event: URGENT CALL to defend free speech - DiEM25 (2025-02-18)

    “In a deeply concerning escalation, the organisers of ‘Reclaiming the Discourse: Palestine, Justice, and Truth’ … are facing ruthless attacks on their fundamental rights to freedom of speech, assembly, and expression.

    “The venue, Kühlhaus Berlin, faced immense pressure from German politicians and the Berlin police to cancel the event.“

    “German authorities, already responsible for canceling two events featuring #FrancescaAlbanese, are now escalating their efforts to silence her voice even further. Now, Berlin authorities are ratcheting up their efforts to quash this crucial conversation, putting the organisers and panelists under extreme pressure and threatening disruption through overwhelming riot police presence ...”

    Germany #FreedomOfSpeech

  • Announcement from Melanie Schweizer

    "Berlin riot police will be present today at the event with UN Special Rapporteur of the occupied Palestinian Territories Francesca Albanese..."

    RiotPolice #intimidation #Germany

  • @europesays @dataisbeautiful

    Simply asking two primary questions to guide any analysis will lead to a better understanding of variation and more effective decision making:

    1️⃣ Is the process currently stable?
    2️⃣ Based on this knowledge, what type of action makes sense?


    In this paper Thomas Nolan, Rocco J. Perla and Lloyd Provost explain why correctly assessing #variation is fundamental to sound decisions.

    DecisionMaking #Politics #Data #Business #News

  • It’s the cutting up other peoples countries part without their say that the bully countries never understand.

    There was also a secret protocol to the pact, which was revealed only after Germany's defeat in 1945[101] although hints about its provisions had been leaked much earlier, so as to influence Lithuania.[102] According to the protocol, Poland, Romania, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Finland were divided into German and Soviet "spheres of influence".[101] In the north, Finland, Estonia, and Latvia were assigned to the Soviet sphere.[101] Poland was to be partitioned in the event of its "political rearrangement": the areas east of the PisaNarewVistula, and San rivers would go to the Soviet Union, and Germany would occupy the west.[101] Lithuania, which was adjacent to East Prussia, was assigned to the German sphere of influence, but a second secret protocol, agreed to in September 1939, reassigned Lithuania to the Soviet Union.[103] According to the protocol, Lithuania would be granted its historical capital, Vilniuswhich was part of Poland during the interwar period. Another clause stipulated that Germany would not interfere with the Soviet Union's actions towards Bessarabia, which was then part of Romania.[101] As a result, Bessarabia as well as the Northern Bukovina and Hertsa regions were occupied by the Soviets and integrated into the Soviet Union.

  • The name seems like it has to have also been a dick joke, but I looked it up and apparently not.

    Differing, somewhat confusing accounts are given of the origins of the Python name, although the members agree that its only "significance" was that they thought it sounded funny. In the 1998 documentary Live at Aspen during the US Comedy Arts Festival, where the troupe was awarded the AFI Star Award by the American Film Institute, the group implied that "Monty" was selected (Eric Idle's idea) as a gently mocking tribute to Field Marshal Lord Montgomery, a British general of World War II; requiring a "slippery-sounding" surname, they settled on "Python". On other occasions, Idle has claimed that the name "Monty" was that of a popular and rotund fellow who drank in his local pub; people would often walk in and ask the barman, "Has Monty been in yet?", forcing the name to become stuck in his mind. The name Monty Python was later described by the BBC as being "envisaged by the team as the perfect name for a sleazy entertainment agent".[24]

    // abandon all hope ye who commit here

    Edith: damit, Not the first to post this abomination