first original lemmy green text
first original lemmy green text
first original lemmy green text
No one likes frogposters
isn't that apu not pepe? still a frog, tho.
Circle of life
Well they’re entertaining as hell, like a car crash or a circus.
I've come to associate pepe with Trump MAGAts unfortunately.
Don't let them claim pepe.
Reclaim Le Pepe!
Pepe is a Rorschach test. You will associate it however you want, the "true" meaning of the symbol is changed upon being viewed by someone else.
Yeah, the French are indeed disgusting
If you want the arrow to not turn into quote, escape them with "" like so \>
be me
"Zycie jest bez sensu i wszyscy zginiemy" means "life is meaningless and we're all going to die" in polish
It would be nice if people started doing this as posts tbh.
Indeed. World changing moment.
Won’t someone think of the children?!