Skip Navigation's Main Community

A few announcements

Hello all!

I've got a few things to announce.

We've grown by over 200 users since May 30. That's about 28 users/day, which is huge compared to what it's been before that. I'm very happy to see the increased activity, and hope this place (and lemmy/the fediverse in general) will become the goto spot for social interactions and link sharing. I'm excited for what the future will bring! Also thanks to many of you for making me laugh in your registration applications.

As this server grows, I think it would be a good idea to have some admins (I'm thinking 2 to start), to help with approving new user registrations, and dealing with Reports. Ideally, I'd like to leave most reports up to the community moderators, but for things that go against the site-wide rules, I'd like to have a team of 3 so we can deal with these things as a group. I haven't fully decided on how I will pick the admins, but I will make another post when I'm ready to do that.

I've thought about a new logo for Are there any graphic designers here that would like to create a new logo? I don't really have anything in mind other than something to do with Canada, obviously.

Lastly, since some users have asked, I've setup two places where users can donate to support the server. The monthly costs to run the server is currently around $25 CAD/month, which includes weekly backups (which I may change to daily). Anyways, donations are completely optional, but greatly appreciated! They can be made here:

I'll add those links to the main sidebar as well.

If you have any feedback for anything above, let me know!

  • Thank you for having us! Looking forward to learning more about the community and how to navigate. Will be a little bit of a learning curve, was previously a Redditor for 12 years. Feels like a fresh start and great vibes in the community. Thanks @smorks.

  • Just joined up. Pretty sad to see what's happening to Reddit. Don't know if can stand the place anymore if I can't use Sync. Hope this place will be able to take its place.

  • Can we arbitrarily create groups like subreddits? I think a great way to start off would just be to mirror some of the locality-based subreddits. I see that we have some for the provinces (but why "nova_scotia_general"?). My primary local subreddit was /r/Halifax and I think that is what most Haligonians would look for if and when they come here.

  • Thank you for all your hard work. I am considering moving to in future just because i think it would allign more directly with my interests, but we shall see. Their methods of screening out bots are interesting as you can either ask to join via twitter/reddit account with history or pay 0.01XMR and give the transaction ID

    • What would the equivalent of that second one be for here? Prove mastery of the sarcastic and honest apologies? Birth certificate or passport?