4 Tips To Improve Your Monero Marketplace Listing
4 Tips To Improve Your Monero Marketplace Listing
The goal is this article is to equip you to better formulate your Monero product listing to increase sales within Monero Marketplace & XMR Bazaar.
Here is a simple checklist for those who don't want to read the whole article:
- Headline of 6 words
- Headline answers the question “what is it”
- Clear image correctly cropped (1080x1080 - 250px top & bottom cut off)
- Description outlining problem that you solve
- Description with short paragraphs (no more than 3 sentences)
- Offer a discount
- Use the MCEP
- Share your P2Pool Oberver link
Full article: https://moneromaster.substack.com/p/tips-to-improve-your-marketplace