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  • I think a lot of the stigma comes from terfs and attempts from the alt-right to sow division to divide and conquer. Terfs often present themselves as lesbians and are extremely vocal about how only cis women are lesbian, trans women aren't women, etc. Then you have other aspects of the alt-right who talk about how trans women aren't real women and real lesbians will know the difference. The result is that it looks like there are more people with these beliefs than there actually are (the alt-right is very, very good at harnessing social media to make themselves seem louder than they actually are).

    I know this isn't the case, I consciously am aware that the vast majority of lesbians are supportive of trans people. I know a number of people who are lesbian and are very much supportive of the trans community. And yet, this belief has been so deeply sown that I still find myself questioning whether someone is a real ally or not. I hate that.

    Fuck letting terfs rebrand as "gender critical". I believe people can be critical towards the concept of gender and believe we should be moving away from associating behavior and personality traits with someone's sex, while still being supportive of trans and non-binary folks.

  • Personal experiences will always vary too. I'm sadly a non-passing trans woman who identifies as a lesbian. Saying it's been impossible to find someone who would want to be with me is... putting it nicely. Some of that struggle is not tied into being trans, but my trans-ness is the thing they will interact with first and it has always meant they pass. But again this is just my own experience.

    • I know it's incredibly disheartening, I just want to let you know that there's someone out there for you 🧡

      • At this point I've had to give up on love. Sure it'd be great but I'm a realist. At least I'm not an incel lol No one owes me a relationship.

    • Now, this isn't a "gotcha" or intended to be snarky, I really am curious: Would you date another non-passing trans lesbian?

      • I'm not really sure. It'd depend on their personality and such since I have no sexual attraction to penis which means sex is a no. Which is the same issue that a cis lesbian is going to have and I am understanding of that. Other elements impact it that have nothing to do with a person trans status or lack of.

        I'm not saying all cis lesbians are out there shitting on trans women. It's honestly likely a minority. But they are going to seek out a partner that matches their personal criteria and I'm understanding of that.