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If a useful brain-computer interface was available sometimes in your lifetime (and secure and safe) would you get one?

Background to this slightly weird question: I found one of my old an English exams on science fiction and dystopian literature from the 11th grade in North-Rhine Westphalia, Germany (ca. 2004) and found a similar question. The idea back then was to discuss the pro- and cons of a BCI (and I objectively did not do to well back then) . I am interested about people's opinions.

  • I already have one. It came out in the 90's. It's called MindDrive. I'm sure that similar devices made in the modern day are way better.

    But that's not really what I want anymore. Being able to control the PC with my thoughts is a novelty for me. Far more useful to the disabled. What I want is the reverse; I don't want to send signals from my brain to the computer, I want computer signals to my brain. Like a VR system that uses your visual cortex to directly generate images in your perception and send other feedback to trick your brain ala Total Recall.

    Or being able to give myself entirely new senses with an implant (possible right now; but there's no commercially available products I am aware of).

    • I'm hoping that by the time I'm ready to retire I can just throw my shambling soon to be corpse into a pod and Jack into the matrix for the last 5 to 10 years of my life.

      If I have kids or grandkids or whatever they can all come and visit me while I'm out fighting demons with my harem of ultra-powered sword mage catgirlfriends.

  • Despite my best efforts to get away from computers, I still find myself attached to them in one way or another during most of my waking hours. Lemmy is my computer time that acts as a mental break from other computer time. Connecting in an even more intimate way sounds horrible.

  • No, i don't need that. It was a fun fantasy when I was younger, but unless I end up losing use of my limbs or something, cyborging it up seems like a bad move in our nonfictional world.

  • There is no such thing as a secure brain-computer interface. That's like asking if there is a safe tiger-butt interface.

  • I'd love to have access to the tech, but not if it meant corporate data-miners having access to my every thought and sensation.

  • Like a Focus? As long as it's 100% local, I think it'd be cool and probably not dystopian. Maybe. Possibly.

  • i'd really have to know more about it, but, yeah, sure. i'm all for the idea of cybernetic enhancements, but, as i said, i'd have to know a lot more about it before i ever committed to anything.

  • If it was secure and safe being the key words there. I’m not sure how that could be demonstrated to a high enough degree for me to feel comfortable with it.

  • Only if it could upload my consciousness to the cloud after I die like in that one episode of Black Mirror where the old women end up dying together but they end up living in a custom-built paradise forever.

  • Nope. I'll never get cosmetic surgery, body modifications, piercings, or implants for non-medical reasons... I take pride in living authentically