Does anyone else make Jedi force gestures before walking through automatic doors at a grocery store?
Does anyone else make Jedi force gestures before walking through automatic doors at a grocery store?
Does anyone else make Jedi force gestures before walking through automatic doors at a grocery store?
I snap my fingers as I approach red traffic lights and my confirmation bias is off the charts.
If you're driving at night, you gotta flash them brights.
only for 40 years
Sometimes when I'm with my 5 and 3 year olds, yeah.
Working in a grocery store in high school blunted that fun for me, because when you're busy and trying to go in and out those doors can be frustratingly slow. I like to think better of my Jedi powers.
But, since then, I do get the desire to shoulder-check the door to pop it off the tracks - so I can use it as a swing door. I got good at doing it when I'd do cart returns.
Wait, there are people who don’t? J/k but I like to pretend to kick the air as if I’m kicking a door open/down. I get looks, and I’m okay with that.
That's what I thought, too. It's almost like a second nature to wave my hand across those automatic doors.
And at stoplights, yes.
"You will turn green"
turns green
"Yeah, I'm a fuckin' Jedi."
"No you're not. You just watched the light on the cross street."
"I find your lack of faith disturbing."
I make Sith force gestures
You mean other people don't?!?
No. But when a door doesn't open I always think of the Simpsons episode where Bart sold his sole to Milhouse.
I don’t always use my Jedi powers, but when I do I prefer Dos Equis.
No, but I’m going to. Thanks.
I like to do a little karate chop
I'm more of a toaster magician 😅
I used to, but my timing was so bad it was just embarrassing.
I'm a below average height male and on periodic occasion I don't trigger the motion sensing ones and it's awkward. Now I typically always just raise my arm and wave instinctively. Not quite jedi gestures, but eh.
I do it to the subway doors sometimes. At least once it made someone laugh pretty hard, which was nice.
And automated paper towel dispensers… “You will give me a paper towel, now.” And they reply (in my mind), “To gibba pappa towa, now”.
I do it to get traffic lights to change before I have to brake.
I just thought everybody did this...
Hey man sorry to ask you this but can you put a good word in for me with your dad ?
My gestures, if I were to make them, would be more akin to Dr. Strange's sling ring gestures, Tony Stark's virtual desktop gestures, or John Anderton's virtual desktop gestures.
I do it on elevator doors.
Considering my history with doors, yes I have tried that, along with the Thanos snap and getting in trouble for trying the kamehameha on a school bully.
My old town had stop lights that were timed nearly perfectly if you went the speed limit. Only exception was when they were resetting from an emergency vehicle passing (or pedestrian).
I would wave my hand and mutter some Jedi stuff at it and it would change. People still gunned it from one light to get stopped at the next...