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  • Sometimes I think about those cartoon scenes where a character has a plunger stuck in their face. That's technically more than 0%.

  • I actually think about plungers quite a bit. If I notice someone has a sink plunger instead of a toilet plunger, I immediately and forever judge the shit out of them.

  • You only make this mistake once, hopefully. The first night I moved into my new place, many years ago was a bad night. My stuff didn't show up yet. It was getting delivered in a few days. I didn't even take a big dump. It just clogged up. I had to get an emergency plunger and since that move I make sure there is one close by during moves.

  • One of the first things I did when my gf and I started dating was buy her one, so that when I finally got comfortable enough to drop dueces at her place I wouldn't be up shit creek without a plunger


    • How'd you even start that conversation?

      "We've been together for a month now and I think it's getting serious. Maybe it's time for us to take the next step, let's go get you a plunger 🪠"

      • I actually didn't even have a conversation about it with her at first I just snuck one in her house and put it by the toilet. Now later on she did mention that just doing that was more than a lot of dudes in the last relationships she'd been in had done for her in months and months. I upgraded to also bringing her over a second one for her second bathroom and a set of toilet scrubbers and bleach gel and I'm always keeping her toilet paper stocked up. Also bring some baby wipes over to keep things extra clean. I try to get her a lot of practical gifts like I'll go to Sam's and just constantly keep her stocked up on paper towels that I got in my trunk, hell we're practically married at this point all this old people stuff I'm doing for romance. It it kind of start with the selfish need for a toilet plunger in case I clogged hers up though lol. I'm just glad we're finally getting past that awkward phase of being shy and timid about bodily functions like pooping peeing farting that kind of stuff and we're able to talk about it and joke about it now.

  • been there, done that. now i own two, just in case something happens with one.