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I need all the links anyone can provide debunking reactionary shit about trans women in sports

Was hanging out with my cousins the other day and learned they got some brainworms that need to be bullied out of them. One of them uttered the words "gender ideology" and I swear I almost slapped the shit out of him in his parents kitchen. The funniest part was that his lib dad actually was on my side for once and joined in ripping into him over his shit takes.

  • I think the biggest tell when it comes to people mad about trans women in sports, is they aren't also mad about trans men in sports. In fact, they have no problem with forcing trans men to compete with cis men, but they have a whole ocean of crocodile tears ready for cis women being "forced" to compete with trans women. Why the asymmetry? Because they want to pretend to be protecting cis women, who are idealized and treated as personal property and reproductive assets in a patriarchal society. Cis women are the source of future workers (babies) for the ruling class. Cis women are the source of domestic servants (house wives) for the ruling class. They must be "protected" from what transphobes imagine are simply men in drag. Notice how transphobes are always advocating for forcing trans women to compete with cis men to "protect" cis women, but are never advocating for forcing trans men to compete with cis women to "protect" cis men. It's an entirely lopsided ideology fixated on cis women as property as an ideological facade for discriminating against trans people. They won't even advocate a half measure like creating separate leagues in sports for cis and trans the same way it's already separated between men and women, adult and child, abled and differently-abled, professional and casual. Because to do so might incidentally grant more legitimacy to trans identities by admitting them to be categories, and that's the last thing they want to do. They want to ignore, bury, and discriminate against trans people without acknowledging them, or even resolving the contradictions of their own beliefs. Same goes for nonbinary, intersex, etc.