Daily reminder
Daily reminder
Daily reminder
Of course the actual figures for God must be expected to be much higher, since the source is known to be biased in His favour
Satan has not killed anyone though. Satan was the rebel who got tired of serving under a toxic boss. Hail Satan 😈!!
I recommend Revolt of the Angels by Anatole France. One of the greatest 'Romantic Satanist' pieces out there, and written by a communist no less!
Wow was God camping?
It's a legitimate strategy!
What about the Great Flood? That must've killed hundreds of millions.
God's k/d ratio through the years has been insane
However since unlike god, Satan didn't die (from what we know), Satan has a k/d ratio of infinity. Another W for big S
Literal reading of Bible puts Great Flood at 2348 BCE, total population of Earth at this time is roughly estimated to be between 20 to 40 million.
Not as much as atheists like evil zedong!
Satan killed people?
In a bet with god over if Job is only following god because his life is great. Satan asks for god's permission, then kills Job's family.
So really it was gods fault