Real debrid client
Real debrid client
Is there any good windows and android real debrod client?
Real debrid client
Is there any good windows and android real debrod client?
Windows - JDownloader
Android - Unchained
thx but i should have clarified i guess. I am mean torrent clients. But thx for Android, didnt know about the app.
There's some confusion somewhere here, but I'm not entirely sure where. If you're using a torrent client, you're not using Real-Debrid. You can download torrents via Real-Debrid, but the torrent part is done on their servers. When you then download the files, you're not torrenting, you're downloading directly from Real-Debrid's servers.
If do you want torrent client recommendations, qbittorrent on PC and LibreTorrent on Android. Just know that you wouldn't be using Real-Debrid while using these.
All Legit for alldebrid, not sure if it would work the same tho
Thx will test it later today