Biden’s poor polling numbers have raised questions about the possibility of a blowout victory by Trump in November
Biden’s poor polling numbers have raised questions about the possibility of a blowout victory by Trump in November

Biden’s poor polling numbers have raised questions about the possibility of a blowout victory by Trump in November
This all comes down to how house broken Democrats are, because if they're properly trained they'll vote Biden despite hating him.
Indeed, and the fear of the orange man will likely be the main driving factor for the dem base.
The main problems I see are that for Biden to win, he needs not just the core "Blue No Matter Who" vote, but a broader coalition. In 2020, that included young people, and politically unaware people who were upset about COVID. In 2024, he's doing everything possible to alienate the youth (via support for genocide, and violence against protesters), and the politically unaware people are upset about the economy. Trump isn't any more popular than he was in 2020, this is entirely an own goal on the Biden campaign's part.
Piss poor polling accuracy over the last several elections has me questioning the premise of this article.